Chapter 35 - A Will to Live

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It didn't take long to gather the last of the materials needed to fix up Will, avoiding several other encounters. The corridors were getting more and more dangerous, the infected dispersing out. Finally making my way back, I slipped skillfully into the disabled toilet, avoiding detection.

"You still alive?" I whispered, allowing my eyes to adjust to the gloomy lighting.

"What took you so long!" he grunted, weekly.

"Are friends outside."

"Right then, pass the alcohol."

"It's alright, I got this," I said, bending down. It really did stink in here!

"To drink, not just to use! You have any idea how much this hurts?"

"Oh..." I faltered. "But I need you sober!"

He chuckled. "It's the only way you're going to get me out of here conscious."

"Fine." I opened up the first aid kit, passing him the whisky. Bad enough getting round by myself, let alone with a drunk. I guess I owed him that much anyway.

Pulling on a pair of latex gloves, I took another look at the damage. If anything, it looked worse, blood clotting here and there while seeping out of other places. Any skin that was untouched by blood had turned purple, or was looking dangerously pale. "Alcohol?"

"Long as you give it back when you're done," he grumbled, passing the bottle down.

"You ready?"

"Just get on with it."
I paused, holding his leg in place before covering the broken skin in whiskey, feeling him flinch. "You still with me?"

"Mmhm, " he mumbled. To be honest, I was surprised he was still awake, he had some guts. Putting the bottle down, he quickly grabbed it, gulping down a few mouthfuls.

Going back to work, I ripped open a couple of dressings, wrapping the T-shirt around his leg before cocooning it in bandages. Finally, I picked up the makeshift splint, sliding it under his leg and going about succouring it. "Good as new!"

"If only," he slurred, attempting to get to his feet.

"No, no, no, let me get you something to ride on, you can't walk around with that leg."

"Nerh, I'm a bunny rabbit, I can hop."
I had to stop my self from laughing, he sounded so serious. "How much of that whiskey did you drink?"

"Just... a little," he mumbled, letting the empty bottle role away. Great.

How on earth was I going to get him out of here without getting us both getting killed. Racking my brain for an idea, I poked my head out of the door, keeping an eye on the Infected. There was no way I was letting him out there with so many of them about. Scanning the dome for inspiration, I spied Wills pistol, lying amongst the cars debris. He must of lost it on his fall down. Wait car...that gave me an idea! "Will, you need to stay here, give me 20 minutes."

"Where you going?"

"Getting us a way out, just don't leave this room!" Not waiting for a reply, I rushed out, slipping down the wide corridor before the Infected could get a whiff of me, using the shops as cover. Haven wondered these corridor several times already I knew my way around, depicting a path to the entrance. I hid when necessary, and ran when I could always keeping my eyes and ears primed, homing in on any unwanted company. Slowly but surely I was training myself to survive, to put aside pain, and to become... something else.

Drawing near to the exit, I eyed the teddy bear hanging in the toy shops entrance, still as a statue, It's dead eyes looking back at me. The toy gave me the creeps. Dragging my eyes away from it, I moved into the evacuated street, noticing how low the sun had dropped. Dusk was fast approaching, if I wasn't careful we'd have to stay the night.

Continuously checking for Infected, I rushed back towards the cars, picking a house parallel to row of them. Bursting through the door, I did a quick check of the lower floor before looking round the entrance for car keys, rummaging through draws. After a good five minutes, I gave up and went next door repeating the process, eventually finding a pair, much to my surprise .

Going back out, I clicking the unlock button, spotting the car they belonged to and swiftly commandeering it. Now for the fun part.

Okay, I only bumped it twice on the way out, but it's going to get trashed anyway.

Revving it up I directed it towards the malls entrance, a smile playing on lips, this was going to hurt... a lot. Smashing through the glass, I bucked forwards, skidding onto the shop floor, just managing to keep the car under control. I could already hear the Infected racing towards me, there shrieks drowning out the sound of the engine.

Flooring the vehicle, I ploughed into the first wave, sending the monsters ricocheting off the bonnet. I had to hang on to the steering wheel for dear life, stopping myself from being thrown round like a rag doll. The car only just managing to continue forward, taking on a second wave of those things. By now the bonnet was splattered red with blood, there cry's deafening. There where some attempting to hang on, but a sudden swerve soon fixed that, freeing the car from the crowed.

Gaining a little distance, I bounced into the large dome room, stopping the car sharply outside the toilets. "WILL, GET IN!"

He pocked his head out looking confusingly at me.

Rolling my eyes, I jumped out the car, practically dragging the crippled man with me, throwing him in the back. Any second now those creatures will be rushing round that corner! Taking my seat, I noticed the pistol out of the corner of my eye, realising it was the only effective weapon we had. Without a seconds thought I dove out of the car after it, scooping it up just as the first mutant came into view, racing it to the car.

Stuff it I'm a cheater. Pulling the hammer back I squished the trigger, the revolver jumping harshly in my hand leaving my ears ringing and the monster with a gaping whole.

Winning the race, I jumped into the drivers seat, finishing off my opponent as I did a lap of the room, picking up speed.

"You know... You should really let me dive." Will slurred. "You keep hitting people!"

"That's the point!" I grunted, feeling another one go under with a satisfying crunch. Once again I found myself wading threw a mob, loosing both my wing mirrors. They went to a good cause, but I did miss the blue paint job, it was a nice blue.

A loud thud brought me back to reality, the grim face of the infected pressed up against my window. Snarling back, I drew the revolver point blank, waiting till I was partly clear of the mob to pull the trigger, his face comically 'disappearing'. Along with any feeling in my right arm, I barely managed to keep the thing in my hand! Oh and window, that was kind of gone too, we may need a new car sooner then I thought.

Thundering through the rest of the mall we eventually ended up outside, the Infected lost behind use. I felt sorry for any one who would visit that mall, there going to be so confused. One smashed car and one bloody tire trail go in then out.

Chuckling to myself I sped back onto the main road, continuing from where we left off. It felt good to be clear of that place, fresh air filtering through the smashed window. I couldn't believe we made it out of there alive and Will didn't have to save me... Okay maybe that one time he had to push me out the way but still! The shirr thrill kept me ticking over, with the occasional glance back to check on will. Now to find somewhere to stay the night.

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