Chapter 49 - Darwin's Law

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"You see that?" Seth asked, his voice distorted by the mask.

"See what?" I retaliated, I was too busy trying not to vomit to concentrate on anything else. All I could smell was decaying bodies, the cesspit still fresh in my mind. Looking up I noticed Seth dashing towards the office block, knife in hand. "Seth, don't you dare!" I shouted, feeling some of my breakfast come up, but of cause he didn't listen to me. Great, just great! Now I have to go save him again, he was a crazy as his girlfriend.

Spitting out bile I forced myself to my feet, shacking off the blandness that came with the intoxicating remains of the infected. I hated being so close to them, it does something to people... loosens the mind, quickens the temper. Just look at how Eve turned out and she was only out for a week! Day two and I could already feel myself loosening the will to live, and thats not the nerves talking.

Gritting my teeth, I soldiered on towards where Seth disappeared, taking a daring look back at the ravine as if to defy its hold over me. I regretted it to say the least, my stomach turning in disgust. It wasn't until the threshold claimed my shadow that the site was thrown from my view, the bitter musk of the building drawing me deeper into its depths.

I didn't like it not one bit, but I persisted on, the light streaking threw smashed windows lighting the dusty clouds that hung thick in the air tickling my throat. Not only that but It was too quite, my own tip toeing sounding like the booming drums of battle, betraying me to those who lay in wait. I could feel every hair standing to attention, my own heart leaping at every turn, just waiting to tell me 'I told you so', but that time never came.

Trickling up stairs and along narrow corridors, I followed the dusty foot prints of Seth, which eventually lead me to a secluded section of the construction. Every nerve in my body was on fire, my muscles taut ready to leap into action as I gently priced open a whitewashed door. I could feel a bead of sweat slide down my face and cascade to the ground bellow, glistening like a crystal maze before shattering into million droplets.

Stepping threw my eyes where immediately drawn to the open door of a private block, my body freezing with fear. At its foot stooped a large muddy brown creature, its skin plastered to its skeleton. Lanky arms protruded from its shoulders, unsettling in length, ending with narrows fingers and hooked claws. This creature was far from human. What troubled me further was the man who was kneeling down to look under a desk just past the monster, Seth of course!

With every second that past, the mutant drew closer to him, drool falling in its wake, I had to do something. You know what, If that thing doesn't kill Seth I'm gonna do it myself! Streaking out from behind the door, I rushed 'it' from behind, going as quickly as I dared. Drawing my knife, I passed into its shadow bringing myself up to my full hight, barely reaching its chest (and it was stooping!). Without a sound I brought the knife up with two hands and with all my strength send it crashing into its back.

The world was suddenly consumed with an ear splitting shriek piercing my very soul, and spreading like poison threw my veins. I barely felt the creature writhing beneath me tearing itself free, I was in too much pain to care, nor care what happened next. Dropping the blade, I brought my hands to my ears, stares dancing across my vision.

I depicted a quite smash before the screeching began to fade, my brain throbbing and my ears ringing. Before long my own screaming came into focus and I quickly quenched it, regaining control of my own body. Groaning, I freed my ears, the ceiling painting itself across my vision. Playing with the cross around my neck, I thanked the Gods I was alive before tucking it away.

Heaving myself to my feet, I felt a fresh breeze bath my sweaty face, a new whole stamped into the class exterior wall.

"Jamie?" Seth called, his mask now hanging limply round his neck.

Glaring over, I moistened for him to come out from under the desk. Reluctantly he complied, bringing himself opposite to me. Bringing my hand back I send it glancing over his face, a satisfying slap echoing threw the room.

It stunned him more then anything, leaving a nasty red mark on his cheek. Not waiting for a reaction, I turned and picked up my blooded knife before shuffling carelessly out of the room, my hand throbbing.


We didn't say anything as we left the building, the remnants of the creature spattered across the road. I didn't want to know how that thing came into existence, or what it used to be, I just wanted to go back to camp. Quickly stretching, I picked a direction and started walking wishing that the constant ringing would just go away!


I ignored him, keeping my head straight.

"Jamie Infected!" he spat, with a little more urgency.

Forgetting myself, I forced my body to face him, spotting Seth rapidly backing away from the ravine. What now!
It was then I heard the rumble, like thunder rolling in before the lightening strikes, whiney cries barely fathomable over the deafening ring that coursed threw my brain. I stopped, whether in madness or ore, the ground seemingly shaking. Seth had since turned on his heals, bolting like a pig from a slater house, his face drained of all colour.

Its fingers came up first, long and slender, like those of the monster earlier faced, but this time clothed in a fleshy membrane. Next the face, its yellow eyes deeply set, trained sharply on mine. Effortlessly it threw itself inhumanly into the air, landing beyond the rails, its face braking into an hungry grin revealing its overcrowded mouth.

Fear struck me like a knife, digging into me and driving my legs into a frantic sprint, while my brain jump onto the 'nope' train to 'nope' city. This wasn't happening! I could tell there were others, maybe even a horde of them, but I didn't look. Instead, I concentrated on putting as much distance as I could between me and that ravine, drawing deeper into the shadow of the city.

Following Seth, we ventured down a sharp alleyway, the growling and hissing being the only tail tale sign of any pursuit. An abrupt howl dragged my attention back around, resulting in a sharp intake of breath at how close they really were. But what confused me was how little they seemed in control of there bodies, like children learning how to walk. This was probably the on,oh reason why we where still alive!

Turning back to see where I was going, I just managed to catch a glimpse of a bearded face before arms roughly grabbed me, pulling me off my feet. Before I could even react I was released, thrown weekly into a room, the slam of a metal door casting us into blackness.

Silence followed and I didn't dare move, my own ragged breathing drowning out everything but the muffled scuttling that came from behind the door.

"Seth?" I dared. But was quickly rewarded with warm hand pressed discouragingly against my face. It was too big to be Seth, but none the less I didn't struggle. If they wanted to kill me they would of left me outside.

I waited impatiently for the dark void to fade to a gentle hum before the hand fell away, my heart rate dropping to a pessimistic thumping. My brain still believed it was in danger, when wasn't I!

After a pain staking couple of seconds there came a mechanical click, and light flooded in as two interior doors where gently pushed ajar. I watched the silhouette of a man step through, hostile voices meeting my ears as my eyes adjusted to the invasion of light.

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