Chapter 36 - Sickened

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I drove well into the evening, the only sound being the gentle purr of the engine and the occasional sniff from Will. I didn't like it, not one bit. My eyes where heavy, my face frozen, every limb begging for rest. It had been a long day to say the least, but I didn't trust myself to stop. Every were I looked, I could see signs of the infected. Deserted cars, smashed windows... blood. Not to mention the graffiti!

'The End is Nigh', classic.

Eventually it got to the point where bits of my body where just giving up and falling asleep on own accord, like could you not! Reluctantly, I pulled into the nearest village, stopping outside an old cottage. Switching the car off I let the silence seep in through the broken window, the shadows claiming what little light I had.

I could feel the hairs once again standing to attention, alert and frightened, my eyes adjusting to the moonlight. Swallowing my heart, I checked the revolver, feeling only one bullet left In the cylinder. It would have to do. Spinning it into place, I opened the door and took my leave, my thumb posed on the hammer.

It was a cool night, a breeze playfully passing by winding its way noiselessly through the undergrowth, the trees still as statues. I could see my own breath shrouding my vision, playing tricks on my eyes, my finger twitching.

Step by step I approached the ruff wooden door, easing its well oiled hinges open, a dark hallway unfolding its self before me disappearing Into darkness.

I was never afraid of the dark, not even as a child. Quite the opposite actually, it was almost peaceful, a place to hid. But then again, it wasn't the darkness I was afraid of, it was what resided inside it.

Taking a deep breath I steadily made my way into the house, relying on my ears to alert me if anything was amiss. I needed to find a torch or some source of light, even a candle would do. Brushing my hand against the wall, I used its cold ruff surface as a guide, until the wall suddenly fell into a doorway, the slightest touch swinging it open.

By the glow of the moonlight I managed to make out the living room, a small setup consisting of a couple of sofas and a fireplace. Fireplace meant matches, matches meant light! Rushing over, I felt around the hearth, praying that it wasn't just for show.

Eureka! Shacking the box to make sure, I hastily pulled one out, striking a glimmer of hope. Next a candle! With the what little light I had, I managed to burn my fingers, striking another match before depicting a tea-light. It was small but it would have to do.

Pocketing the box of matches, I made my way back into the corridor, the small flame painting shadows across the wall. I was surprised how much light it produced, the little ball of heat comforting me.


I jumped, dropping the candle, shadows claiming what light I had "... hello..?"

"She shouldn't be here, why is she here? The voice was female, that much I knew, and it was coming from dead ahead.

"Hello, I just need a place to stay the night," Was there someone else with her?

"We should kill her, fresh meat." The same voice replied, sending shivers down my back, my heart racing.

"I can go... you don't have to kill me..."

"Split their skulls and break their bones, rip out their hearts and eat their parts," she chanted. There was something very wrong with this person!

I could see its silhouette now, slowly moving towards me. Panicking, I backup up raising the gun. "S... S... Stop where you are or I'll shoot!" I stammered, my hand shaking.

"... Split their skulls and break their bones, rip out their hearts and eat their parts..."
She didn't even falter, continuing to creep forward almost singing the stupid sentence.

"Just stop, please! Don't make me do this...please." I begged, gripping the gun with two hands.

She stopped... Inches away from the raised barrel, her body still appearing a black void, the chanting deceasing.

"Kill... Me." It barely chocked. "Pl...Please."

Taken back, I faulted, my body betraying me. I couldn't do it.

With sudden ferocity she leapt forward, snarling like an animal, but before I could consciously do anything it was done. My finger frozen against the back of the trigger guard, the familiar echo tailing off into absolute silence. What have I done.

I turned away from the dark heap, my cheeks damp. I could still hear her final plea replaying in my mind, 'Kill me...' Was she one of them, an infected? But she could speak... I'd never really regarded them as humans, even animals. More of of mindless entity, It was always us or them, and they where practically dead already. Weren't they?

Attempting to push the faceless one out of my mind I fumbled about on the floor for the candle, striking a match. With assistance from the small flame, I located it, renewing what was left of the minutia beacon, keeping my eyes away from what lay behind me. Now to drag 'the lump' in.

Yeah about that, I just ended up using a wheel barrel I found out back, pushing it inside. My body hated me enough as it was, and all I wanted to do was dump myself on the sofa and fall asleep! Throwing a blanket over Will I did just that, feeling paralysis swiftly claim my body, my mind following suit.

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