Chapter 32 - River

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"So what now?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Just me and you left."

"Can I go back..." I barely whispered.

He sighed. "I though you might ask."

"There's need for people like you back there." I said hopefully.

"People like me? No, I'll drop you off if that's what you want but then we go are separate ways."

"And do what with yourself?"

"Survive, maybe even take up fishing."

"You can't wonder this world by yourself, you won't last a month, you'll go crazy!"

"Rather that then be stuck behind bars again, good as prison."

"There's good people there, it's not as bad as you think it is."
He laughed. "What do you know. You won't convince me. Look if that's what you want I'll take you there but that's it. Do you want to go back?"


"Then what are we waiting for." He finished, strolling away with a huff.

I remained where I was for a time, starring out at the hypnotic lake, the morning sun dancing over the crystallised surface. There where no ducks, no birds, nothing. Just the lapping of water delicately holding use afloat, gently moving use towards the shore, the wind styling my hair.


It wasn't until midday that we reached the shore, drifting awkwardly into the harbor, my mind taking me back to yesterday's events. I could see where it had happened, the ships decking stained red with blood. I still had trouble believing he was gone, just like that... dead. My life was full of it, even before the world became inhabitable people were dying around me. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and forget everything, but I couldn't. Live or die. That was the choice I had, and I chose to live.

"You ready to go?"

Dragging myself back the the presents I nodded, checking the heavy pistol at my hip, my only possession. "You know where to go?"

"It's hard to miss."

"Then let's go,"I finished, jumping onto dry land, my eyes darting from shadow to shadow. It was automatic now, my muscles already tensing.

"We need to find a car or something," he noted, joining me on the wooden beams.

"There's plenty of those scattered about." I added, already seeing a few from where I stood, doted on the road leading into town. Attempting to run ahead, Will abruptly stopped me.

"Be careful, you need to stop blundering around, you'll get yourself killed!"

"Alright Dad!" I said jokingly, evading his arm. His reaction made me double take, his lips tightening. I suddenly remember him mumbling that I remind him of his daughter, I must of hit a nerve. It would explain why he was being so soft with me. At the first glance you would think him a merciless criminal, but it's the eyes that give it away. Almost a sadness, I'd noticed it before when we had settling down for the night in the hall, before every one...died. "You okay?"

"Fine," he stated firmly. "Now go find use a car and be careful!"

"Okay okay," I rolled my eyes, jogging towards the main road.

Even before I got there I could smell the toxic fragrant the infected emitted, my body preparing for the worst. From where I approached I could already see several corpses too far gone to get back up and walk, there excrement spread out like leafs in autumn. I wrinkled my nose, breathing through my mouth, but the taste was just as foul, if not worse. But the good news was, no infected, just the aftermath.

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