Chapter 14 - The Game

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In a matter of what seemed like minutes we were firmly back on the ground, much to Sirs surprise, which he swiftly hid.

"It's about time! What took you so long," he said gruffly but with no honest integrity.

"Admiring the view," Eve replied smiling.

He frowned but made no further comment.

"Well done you two! You can have a break now, just stay nearby." Davies congratulated before leaving Eve and I to our own desires.

We walked a private distance away before settling down on the grass together in the shade of the evergreens. It was a nice day, the sky a forget me not blue with few clouds in sight. It was the first time since last night's revaluation that we had properly been alone.

"How's your arm? Eve asked. Looking over at me from where she lay.

"Not too bad, been going easy on it. That's why you beat me."
Sure it is, I'm just faster and better then you!" She laughed.

"Oh we shall see about that. How you feeling?"

"Uh? She looked confused.

"About all this, it's all so sudden and don't you worry about your parents?"

She shrugged looking back up at the sky. "Rather this then sit at home all day not doing much."

"But what about you parents! I'm sure there worrying about you."

"I don't think so. Besides I've got you now," Eve practicaly whispered. Turning back to me.

My heart did a triple summersault. "And I you but..."

"Alright you two, how did you get through there so quick?" It was Sophie.

"We flew!" Eve sighed slightly annoyed.
"Did I just kill a moment or something?


"Alright brakes up, everyone on your feet for part two." He waited for us to gather round before continuing. "Na this is called a pistol and this is how you cock it...and this is how you pull the trigger." He said sarcastically.

I gasped as he aiming at the nearest guy then pulled the trigger with a bang. I heard one girl scream. Everyone started to back-away quickly but he just started laughing. "Don't worry it's not a real gun, paralysis darts. Stings like a Bee and last about 5 minutes." He chuckled to himself. "Na This is how it's going to work, all but 1 tent is going into the forest, then I'm gonna send the 10 in with some of these." He kicked a grate of what must be the pistols. "The first 10 to come out the other side onto main field with the guns gets extra rations."

"What are the rules," someone shouted out.
"Rules? There are no rules, simply 10 people go in, 10 people go out. Now where's the two that got through the trees first?"

"Here! I shouted.

"Your tent starts with the pistols, the rest of you, get running!"

Walking over to the crate I picking up a pistol and waited for the rest of 3A to run into the forest. I checked the magazine, 30 rounds and no rules. This was not going to be fun.

"Alright guys we got to stick together!" James suggested.

"Screw that, I'm just going for it. We'll be better off if we split up, less off a target." Jamie retorted.

"I could probably out run them anyway," Lydia started.

"But there's like 80 of them! My ideas better."

"Where sticking together right?" Eve whispered to me.

"You got that right, trust you alone with a gun." She laughed at that.

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