Chapter 45 - Playful Mind

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The wind gently kissed my figure, winding its way round every curve. I could feel its cool midnight touch dancing over my naked skin, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake.

It tickled.

I closed my eyes, prying a smile before giving the slumbering camp an elegant curtsy. If only Seth could see me now, alas, he was sound asleep like the rest of them.

Opening my eyes, I allowed my imagination to steal me away, feeling my body move accordingly. I didn't care where it took me, as long as this blissful sensation remained.

I could feel... everything.

Every tact, every breath, from the tender scab of the earth underfoot, to the tiny pimples of residue that drifted down from the heavens, laying restfully on my nudity.

I was alive, dancing through Alice's wonderland, faster and faster, the colours of the make shift tents around me whipping up into a whirlwind of flavour. My breath became more ragged, the pleasure only intensifying knotting inside me, growing stronger with every leap.

I smirked, knowing what happen next, it had happened before. Embracing the inevitable, I allowed it to cripple my body and mind, loosing myself in lust. And like thunder, it struck, consuming me like wildfire. I clawed out in pleasure, ripping, tearing, biting, allowing the satisfaction it brought to feed that moment, I never wanted to let it go...

Alas, every ballet must close. I could feel reality returning, my sweat soaked body uncontrollably shivering. Something was wrong, something was very wrong.

It was dark and there was a distinct metallic taste in my mouth, like copper, dribbles of what ever it was escaping my mouth. Shakily, I reached up to wipe it away, the moonlight abruptly falling out of the clouds revealing the source.

I could feel the blood drain from my face, a gasp escaping my cold lips... their was... a body.

Without a seconds thought I was tumbling backwards, slipping in a pool of warm, fresh blood. I was in too much shock to scream, curling into a ball where I landed, mercilessly sobbing. What had I done...

I could still see it in my mind eye clear as day, its flesh shredded beyond anything I had ever seen, Its face beyond any recognisable. Unconsciously I brought my hands to my face, quickly withdrew after feeling the sticky warm gore that bleached them. NO! This wasn't happening, it can't be!

But deep down I knew, I knew that it was me who had mutilated his body. Not I only that, I had enjoyed it... NO! Yes... yes you did and you know it.

I would of screamed, but I knew all I would do was draw attention so I did what I did best. Slipping to my feet I ran, ran like I'd never done before. Away from the voices, the body, the smell, the memory, but I couldn't escape the blood.

I ran until I could barely breath and then some more, attempting to restore some sanity. It wasn't until my feet hit water that I was thrown out of my trance, the shallows of the lake bringing my feet up from underneath me, sending me crashing into the lake.

Stunned, I allowed the icy water to hold me afloat, lulling my stiff body into submission. I could feel my body screaming for oxygen, but for a moment I wondered if I should just let the lake take me. After everything I had done, all those innocent people I had killed... I could picture everyone of them, there eyes bleeding life because of me. The more I thought about it the more inviting the water felt, caressing my limbs, holding my body in suspense. I was starting to feel dizzy now, the frosty sensation turning warm almost inviting.

All I have to do was take that one breath and it will be over...

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