Chapter Eight: Ex Wife

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Marcelle's POV
"Hi. It's me.  I uh... I dint know if you will listen to this or even respond, but uh... I got your flowers. I...  don't know what to think of it though... but uh... I'm sorry. Forget it." The voicemail from Reina ended.

I lingered in the living room, looking around. Vee isn't home. She left again and she didn't say where she went. I Her bodyguards say she's at a fundraising. I wish she could tell me instead me finding out from the bodyguards.

Today would have been my anniversary with Reina. It would have been our 19th year together. For the last year's we have been married, I have been subscribed to an automated floral service. Reina always gets flowers on her birthday and on our anniversary. I forgot to cancel the subscription.

I played the next voicemail.

"Okay papi, so I'll just say it. I got excited when I got the flowers. I'm  in Manhattan and I know you're here too. Can we meet up? Can we have lunch? I know it's too much to ask but I haven't seen you in a while. Please. Just lunch. Okay, let me know what you decide papi. I hope to see you."


I miss that. Vee has no terms of endearment for me. She calls me Marcelle or she calls me signor. Reina could make papi sound innocent when she was referring to her father. At the same time, when she called me papi, it sounded sexy.

I returned her call. She answered immediately.


"Hi Reina."

"Hi. I can't believe you called back. Hi."


"The flowers are beautiful."

"I didn't put them together. I just paid for them. So... uh..." I rubbed the back of my head. "It was a mistake. I forgot to cancel the subscription."

"That's okay papi. Thank you still. Can we meet?"


"Because today is a special day. It's the day you tricked me into marrying you." She laughed. "Remember?"

I chuckled too. "Yeah."

"Can I please see you? Where are you? I can come to you."

"I'm at the penthouse. You can't come here. Where are you?"

"The Harrington Hotel."

"Okay. I'm coming." I hanged up.

I sent Vee a quick text before I grabbed my jacket and left.

Whenever I'm in Manhattan, I'm either at Bale Industries or with Vittoria. I never have any other agendas here. After talking to my mom, I have decided it's time to tell Vee how I feel. That's my reason for showing up like this. I was supposed to be in London for a company meeting. I sent Juan in my place.

I think it's time this relationship moves to the next level. After I tell her how I feel, if she feels the same, my next move is to propose. A few other changes in my life will follow. Before I propose, I want to let go of my position as the godfather. Vee and I will love and absolutely normal life.

"Good afternoon sir." A waiter approached me. "Do you need help getting a table?"

"No. I'm meeting someone. Reina Bal-" I cleared my throat. "Reina St Patrick."

"Follow me sir."

I followed him into the Dining Room. It's an intimate setting. She's the only one here. She stood up and smiled broadly. "Papi, I'm glad you came."

She hugged me, stood on her toes and kissed my cheek.

I pulled out her chair for her, then I took my seat. "How have you been?"

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