Chapter 5

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"...Our plan this time was to draw him into the Cathedral with a precious artifact, and ambush him inside..."

Huh. Have they finished the gliding exam?

"...But he escaped with the artifact. Fortunately, one of the Sisters put some secret markings on the artifact using elemental magic! But he was too fast, and we couldn't even keep up with the trail the markings left behind."

"Well, if you need help chasing down a gliding criminal, I'm the one for the job! So tell me, which way did he go?"

"As far as I know, he was last seen near Springvale, but that was some time ago."

"Leave it to me! With me and Lumine chasing him down together he doesn't stand a chance."

"So...I passed?"

"Once we've got this Raptor guy, we'll pick up where we left off. But no need to worry...I'll be sure to have a word with Jean."

"So you three are going on a mission? Can I come too?"

"Oh, hey Y/n!"

"Y/n, you've come at the right time. We need your help. We're trying to catch an infamous thief."

"Oh-ho, let me at them!"

"Hold on, we need to find Raptor."

"Wait a minute, Paimon almost forgot! What about Y/n's gliding exam?"

"Hm...I'll be sure to think of something. For now, let's go."


"This is Springvale. There must be some clues about Raptor 'round here. The Sister from the Cathedral put some secret Anemo markings on the artifact he took."

"Lumine, use your Elemental Sight and keep your eyes peeled for clues."

"Got it. I'll lead the way!"

You found several clues: a branch, a fabric piece and elemental markings.

"It appears that the elemental markings point this way."

"Huh. you think he ran off ahead?"

"There's only one way to find out! Come on everyone, we should keep following the markings."

"Ooh, what's that? Looks like something's going on up ahead..."

"It sounds like there's a battle going on – could that be Raptor? Quick, let's keep going."

On the way, you encountered an eyewitness and she gave you some information on what happened. There were Treasure Hoarders who had wind gliders, who, based on Amber's description, may be working with Raptor.


"Huh, look where we are..."

"There are no more elemental markings ahead."

"The elemental power on the artifact must have worn off. Raptor must have realized the markings would give away his position, and sent his minions to slow us down. That way, when the effect wears off, he can make his escape. He won't get away with this! After him!"


"There's only one way over there. Raptor must be up ahead. However, it looks like the only way we can catch up is if we glide."

"But there's a ton of enemies below...they'll definitely attack us after we take off."

"If we're gonna do this, we'll have to glide and defeat them in one fell swoop...Lumine, you still had one stage to go in your exam, right? And Y/n, you haven't started your gliding exam?"

(HIATUS) Valkyrie Traveler (Honkai Impact 3 x Genshin x Kiana Reader)Where stories live. Discover now