Chapter 11

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Since there isn't anything else to do, you all visited Mondstadt again to explore. Lumine and Paimon went to the city, while you went to a dangerous forest called Wolvendom.

POV: So this is Wolvendom, huh...Slimes? I can take care of those!

You defeated those Slimes faster than usual thanks to your new Geo powers. More of them appeared and grew in size. As you were about to attack, someone jumped in and defeated all those Slimes.

"Oh phew, thanks...Gah! Wolves!"

"Do not worry. Wolves friends. But you are...?"

"I'm just a boring old traveler passing by..."

"Don't smell boring. You smell... *sniff* familiar..."

"Wait...I smell?"

"You smell like Knights of Favonius. They are friends."

"So are you also one of the Knights?"

"I am Razor. I am no knight."

*You hear wolves howl in the distance*

"What's with the wolf pack?"

"My wolf pack... they are my family."

"...Your family?!"

"Yes. They raised me. We live together. We are family."

"So many questions..."

"They are angry with me. I help you, exposed our ambush, boar ran away."

"Oh, uh...don't worry, I'll catch you another boar. I'm pretty strong."

"N–No need. When knights try to help, wolves go hungry..."

"Don't be silly! Wait here – I won't screw this up, just watch!"

*After catching boars*

"Told you I could do it."

"I- Thanks...but......wolves catch five or six every hunt... *sigh* Tonight, they go hungry..."


"Don't worry. You tried. At least you did better than other knight friend...the red one, burny girl. If she was here, whole mountain is fire. Can't catch even one boar. I must go now. Here not safe. Careful. Always watching."


You asked Amber about Razor, but she didn't know him. Maybe he was talking about someone else? Anyway, you had a case where wolves attacked Springvale. The wolf traces lead to Wolvendom, so you're seeing Razor again.

"Who's there?"

"Chill out Razor, it's only me with a friend."

"You... are also knight?"

"So you two don't know each other after all? You said there was this "red, burny girl"."

"No. This girl is also red, but no so burny like other girl."

"This is starting to make sense. Is this the wolf boy you were talking about?"

"Correct! His name is Razor."

"Help me out." 

"With what?"

"No time. I sent lupical away. People coming, bad people."

"Those guys from earlier?"

"I understand. But first, I have a few questions–" 

"*sniff* I smell blood. Quick."

"Blood? I hope the wolves didn't attack those idiots..."


"Blood droplets!"

"Not human blood, wolf blood. Lupical blood..."

"Lupi what now? Are you gonna tell us what it means yet?"

"Lupical is family fate gave me. When wolf accepts human as its own. Or human accepts wolf. That is lupical."

"Sounds like gibberish to me."

"That's strange, where does the word come from? Surely it wasn't made up by the wolves?"

"It's just the name he gave."

"Who's "he"?"

"Guardian of this land."

"Wouldn't that be Barbatos though? He is the ruler of Mondstadt."

"Enough. Another clue. Follow me."

"Hey, wait! This is your chance to prove your innocence!"

"He's already gone..."

You followed Razor to a strange place where a wolf was injured. You and Amber brought it somewhere and treated the injured wolf. But some people came and interrupted, which awoke a giant wolf...and angered it.

"What is this disturbance to which I awaken? This is no offering to Boreas...Not only do you come for my kind, so too do you fail to recognize your own transgression...I will not stand for such impertinence!"


"You seek to protect these outsiders, Razor? You cannot tame my fury. You must clear their name with your sword. Show me what your humans have taught you. Bare your claws of steel."

Razor went and fought the giant wolf. As soon as it was about to ambush you, Razor came and defended you.

"Please, calm! Please, calm down..."

"It's just like he said. An outside wolf pack coming in and breaking the rules. They will reap what they have sown. But Razor — you must not get involved. This is for the wolves to settle between themselves. You fight not with claws, but with the sword. You strike not with teeth, but with are human, Razor."

"I am not like them! I don't belong."

"You are no wolf. This is a matter for the wolves, and the wolves alone. And you, you are Razor's lupical amongst humans. Your nobility stands out against others of your kind. If you ever wish, you may train with me. I have nothing further to say. May we meet again, Razor, and company..."

After the giant wolf left, Razor's mood fell.

"Hey...Razor, what's that look for? Why don't you come to the city for a few days?"

"Yeah, you do have a friend in know, that red, burny girl?"

"You're not safe in the wild anymore. But I know that you don't wanna hurt them."

"I'm fine. Don't worry. But I'm not city human...but also not wolf..."

"Cheer up, Razor..."

"...Thank you. Y/n...and...other red girl."

"Hey, we've been with you all this time, and you still don't even know my name?!"


Razor left, so you and Amber left and went back to Mondstadt City too. It didn't seem like Lumine and Paimon will be back soon, so you went back to Liyue Harbor and waited 2 days since they haven't returned.

*At Day 3*

"Finally, you're back!"

"Wow, you're back so soon...What happened?"

"I met this wolf boy named Razor. He happened to have a friend in Mondstadt."

"Who is this "friend"?"

"I don't know...he just described her as "red and burny". I asked Amber but she doesn't know him, well, before."

"Oh. Sorry we haven't went back for 2 days...something occurred and it was involving Diluc."

"Well then, let's go find Childe."

(HIATUS) Valkyrie Traveler (Honkai Impact 3 x Genshin x Kiana Reader)Where stories live. Discover now