Chapter 15

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You wake up, seeing Lumine and Paimon infront of you. You were back at your inn.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

"What happened?...Wait...if I'm here...was it all a dream?!"

"No, you missed out on all the action."

"So what happened while I was passed out?!"

"'s a bit complicated, but I think you'll understand..."

*Flashback (It's in Lumine's POV)*


"Nooo! Y/n's going to fall in the water and drown! Someone save her!"

"Leave her to me."

Xiao teleported down to where Y/n was falling, and teleported back up with her, safe in his arms.

"Phew...she's okay."

"She's not going to wake up..."


"The Guizhong Ballista is destroyed...without its covering fire, retaliation shall be difficult."

"But the Jade Chamber is our last line of defense! We can't give another matter what..."

"I have...another idea."

"What do you mean, Lady Ningguang?"

"...I'll sacrifice the Jade Chamber."

"What is the meaning of this?"

"...I understand. But first...take Y/n."

"I'll make sure she's safe."

"Traveler, lend me a hand. Farewell, old friend...goodbye for now. Let us meet again in the future."

I plunged my sword into the Jade Chamber, and we watched it fall onto Osial...The Adepti got us out of the explosion, and everyone was safe.

"Is it... finally over?"

"The ominous aura of that monster has indeed begun to fade. The effects of the Sigil of Permission last but a short time. It will be some time before the Overlord of the Vortex can make any waves again."

"We are indebted to you for your assistance. If the adepti hadn't happened to be here, the future of Liyue Harbor would surely have been in great jeopardy..."

"Hmph, save your flattery. We didn't just "happen" to be here... Surely you won't pretend to have forgotten the reason for which we came?"

"Come now, there's no need for such harsh words, Cloud Retainer. I've heard that when Ningguang began learning to do business, she had already started setting aside part of her then-limited income in preparation for building the Jade Chamber. At first, it was only the size of a small room. But with continued expansion, it has become the palace that lies before you now. It is a testament to Ningguang's entire life, both as a businesswoman and as the backbone of the Liyue Qixing. Seeing the Jade Chamber destroyed in the defense of Liyue means much to her. To me, such cooperation and sacrifice deserves at least some recognition, don't you agree?"

"Well, I was really hoping you would say that such sacrifice could at least be used as some leverage in our negotiations."


"Thank you all for hearing me out. We know very well why the adepti came here today... But please forgive us, we cannot yield to your wishes."


"3,700 years... According to our records, the adepti signed a contract with Rex Lapis to protect Liyue 3,700 years ago. Even to this very day, Liyue and its lands have stood the test of time, immovable as stone, just as it was thousands of years before. This is truly no small feat. But that does not mean that Liyue today is the same city as it was all those years ago. Do not merely cast your protective gaze upon the land. Instead, focus your sights on our city and each of the citizens that dwell within it."

(HIATUS) Valkyrie Traveler (Honkai Impact 3 x Genshin x Kiana Reader)Where stories live. Discover now