Uhm what about me...?

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As soon as Wil had left their room they got to thinking. Wouldn't they need a disguise too? But they weren't the best at getting called new names like at all. So maybe they could keep it? Or go with a nickname? They tapped their foot on the ground. What could they do? Dye their hair sure, but what about the clothing? They looked around the room for a pencil and paper to draw out what they thought they might need.


They came out of the room to see Vincent painting his nails and Wil on the couch watching TV. They walked over to Vincent first, thinking that talking to Wil might make him mad.

"Hey Vince!" Y/n said, hiding the paper behind their back.

"Oh hi Y/n. Do you need something?" He asks.

"Since-I think I might need one, I uhm...thought of a new look for me aswell." They showed him the paper, looking away in embarrassment. Vincent took the paper and studied it.

"We can get this stuff. And what color did you wanna dye your hair? It's a bit hard to read."

"F-f/c please..." Y/n said, fiddling with their hands. Vincent nodded his head.

"Ok I can get you that! Let me just get ready and I'll go get that stuff for you!" He leans in a bit. "And show Wil, I'm sure he'll love it." He moved back to his original position. "Alright you can go over and watch some TV, I'll go get everything I'll need." Vincent blew on his hands to dry the nail polish faster, Y/n walked away towards William to show him what they had thought up. They sat down next to him. He looked over to them and smiled.

"Hey Y/n." He said. He noticed the paper they were holding. "What's that?" He asked.

"Uhm, just a drawing of what I thought I could change into."

"Why? Your perfect." He blushed, then realized what he said and blushed even more and looked away. "I-I MEAN-!"

"Thanks." Y/n said, they also had some blush on their face. "But I thought I might need one since you dragged me with you it would be suspicious if I just started hanging out with someone that looks like you."

"Could I see it then?" He asked.

"Sure!" Y/n beamed, they gave him the paper. He looked at it.

"This would fit you!" He said, loving the art work and imagining what Y/n would look like.

"Thank you. Could I get the paper back?"

"No! I'm keeping it." He said smiling.

"Wha-! No give it back!" Y/n crossed their arms.

"No I like it imma keep it." Y/n groans.

"Fine." Y/n said, they looked to the TV and decided to watch it, they didn't want to argue about a piece of paper.


(The clothes can be whatever is the opposite of your style, Ex: goth to pastel, cottagecore to cottagegore, etc)

Vincent came back with new clothes for Y/n and the hair dye they requested. They dyed it F/c, and they liked how it suited them. Now for the clothes. Y/n liked the clothes a lot, it was weird being in a differnt style but it looked cool!

"You look amazing!" Vincent said. He nudged Wil signaling for him to say something.

"Yeah." Was all he could get out. He loved how you looked. Vincent laughed at how William responded. Wil punched him in the side.

"Ow." Vincent muttered. "Well, since your both two differnt people, you guys could go and apply for fazbears. Since I know you Wil need something from there, and Scotty will expect you two, to help with the bills."

"Alright. That's it? Plus how long are we going to wait?" William said impatient

"Just a couple of days."

(651 words)

Obsession [Yan!William afton/Dave miller x NB!reader] |Blueycapsules|Where stories live. Discover now