💳🎖😍❣️Daddy🤪 💘Issues 🥵❤️‍🔥💣🥁🍸

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I hear a scream coming from outside the building.

What the fuck?

Oh shit! School shooter!

Was that the Heart Shit?

I ran into the bathroom and - wait a minute....

I have powers...

Well, that doesn't mean shit compared to a gun.

Still... I gotta help however I can...

I go back out the bathroom and slowly peek through the window to see what was happening.

Oh fuck, it really was school shooters... but it was grown ass men?

I see about three guys holding 5 students hostage.

One of these kids being- Choi San?

Oh shit! My money guy!

I look around and see nobody in the halls.

They must have hid in the bathrooms.

Ok, think Wooyoung.

How can I help without getting in the way of becoming a science experiment...

I can't go outside in my uniform and I don't have my web shooters.


My backpack... where did I leave my backpack...?

Fuck, I think I left it my locker...

"We want the money now! Or these snowflakes become mere bloody puddles!" I hear what the men say.

I don't know who the fuck he was talking to but I was guessing a teacher.

I heard some muffles and I decided to use this time to run to get my shit.

Now, keep in mind, I was already a good runner but with the Spidey Spider Speed powers, I was even faster.

Not to brag of course...

But if I joined the track team, I would make everyone eat dust.

Just saying.

I reached my locker in no time and grabbed it.

I went to the nearest bathroom and set up my web shooters and just put on some sweets and a hoodie over my uniform.

Then put in my simple black mask and some tinted goggles over my eyes.

Yeah, I was definitely going to over heat.

I waste no time rushing back outside and going to the schools roof to get a better view.

I don't see anyone in my way up so they were all most likely hiding in the classrooms and bathrooms.

Once I reached the roof, I looked down and saw the three men watching the students, and another two in the back.

I could hear the many sirens of cops coming towards the school and see the person they were talking to.

Oh no...

It was Mr. Yoongi...

We all love Mr. Yoongi for his savage comebacks and quick tounge.

But right now, I just hoped he stayed quiet.

"Look, are you stupid or something? Why did you come to the school and not a bank or something?" Mr. Yoongi said.

Oh no.

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