The Child

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"His vitals are stable, he is just resting."

"Good, I can't believe this kid. I came all the way from New York for this kid."

"Good thing you did,sir. He would have died without you."

"You're right, Friday. This damn kid, he is too good for his own good. I used to think I could save the whole world too...Now look at me."

"You are amazing,sir. You've saved countless people."

"Stop buttering my Muffin. Also, tell Hongjoong the kid is fine. Just beat up. I'll stay by him to make sure he doesn't get into more trouble."

"Yes, Sir."

That was the last I heard of the robotic female voice similar to Genie.

I have no idea where I am but I do know that Eden was just talking.

I was up for a while but I was just too scared and embarrassed. Also, sad cause of a dream I had where I died...It was weird that San named his kid after me when it popped out someones hoha like-

This bloody baby looks like my dead hot friend wooyoung, lets name him that!

What the fuck dude...

"Oh, what am I gonna do with you,kid?" I heard him ask me? Himself? I don't know, I am trying to stop crying.

I felt him pull my blanket over me more before burping and excusing himself.






"Oh? So you're up?"

Maybe if I don't move he will-

"Get up or I will throw away your suit."

"I AM UP!" I shot up only to earn a burning ache over my entire body.

"Oh, shit!" I fell back into the bed I was in.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to swear." I apologize.

"It's fine, kid. Just lay down. You're pretty beat up."

"How beaten up?"

"Like 4 broken arms and a sprained wrist and ankle. Some bruises... everywhere, and a busted lip. Just what the fuck were you thinking?" Eden crosses his arms and looks down at me.

I- why do I feel so... bad? Maybe it's because this was my role model telling me I am an idiot.

"I don't know, I couldn't stand to see those people like that or for the torment of Dr. Lizard to continue." I softly say.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Well, I knew you were busy and I wanted to prove myself to you-"

"You can't prove anything to me if you're dead!" He said slightly angry.

Was it about the suit? It is a pretty expensive suit.

"I am sorry, sir." I look away.

I hear him sigh.

"Look, kid. I get it, you want to be the sole hero. I was once like that too. But I learned that getting help is the best way to do things. You could've died if I wasn't there. Do you know how scary that is?" He punches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head.

I just sat quietly.

I don't know why he cared so much.

I am a kid from the middle of nowhere.

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