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Oh, hey guys!

It's been awhile. 

I guess you can say a lot has happen since the last time we spoke.

Like, oh, I don't know...about to graduate high school?

I am so ready to leave this place. No more assignments, no more math, no more weird teachers, no more Liza throwing up in the trash because she got knocked up, no weird smells, no more high school!

Believe it or not, San and I broke up.


Only to get back together 72 hours later.

And then broke up again like three months later....for about 12 hours.

I am pretty damn sure it was because my lack of communication while fighting bad I can give a quick text while running for my life.

But because of that, Genie knows to send San my location and health chart every 15 minutes. 

Other than that, we are doing great!

Mingi, San, Hongjoong, and Jongho are still the only ones to know about my being 'Spider-man.' 

Honestly, it pains me to not tell Yeosang. He is literally my best friend and I tell him everything. Even the time I told him how San and I fell off the bed trying to do 69.

Yeosang didn't like it, but I found it hilarious to tell him.

However, my Spider-Man secret is the only secret I keep from him...but these days it feels like he like he has been keeping secrets from all of us. 

I get he may not be fully open to the others, but Jongho and I? We basically grew up together! 

Whenever we plan to hang out together, he always bails out last minute. Never answers our texts or calls. Barely talks during lunch or sometimes outright ignores us. He has been looking deadly sick, too. Pale, hallow, dark eyeballs, the whole hungry Jennifer's body look plus Tim Burton. 

When I tried to ask if he was okay, he just keeps telling me it's stress.

Even Jongho has been looking sad these days, telling me Yeosang barely talks to even him anymore. 

Jongho is not a very emotional guy, might I add, but tonight, he came into my room with tear stained cheeks. 

Something happened and it is not going to be good. 

Rushing to go hug him, I kick out San and told him to tell my auntie we need some space. 

So, I am sitting here with a crying Jongho on my shoulder as Auntie Mei and San go for ice cream. 

"I know, I know," I try to say calmly, patting Jongho's head. "Whatever it is, take your time. I am here."

"Wooyoung," Jongho sniffed, sitting up and using his sleeve to dry his tears. "Am I a horrible person?"

"What? No, heavens no!" I shake my head, grabbing his hands. "What mad you think such a thing?"

"Then, am I ugly? I am not good enough? Am I such a horrible person?" 

"Who told you such awful things?! Tell me, I will go and web up their fucking house!"


"And cut off their dicks and make them eat it!"


"And then stuff it so far up their ass and-"

"It was Yeosang."

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