~We can make it if we try~

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"Excuse me the fuck?"

"I said," San sighed. "Come over for dinner; my mom wants to talk to you."

"No," I shake my head, sitting on my new bed and shifting the phone. "You said 'Hey babe, come over tonight and dress nice. My mom wants to investigate you.'"

(My new bed was no longer a bunk bed! It was now one of those with the extra bed on the bottom you could pull out- hahah...bottom....pull out...haha)

"Yeah," San's robotic phone voice chuckled. "It means the same thing."

"It's going to be," I stopped and looked at my clock, reading 4:30 PM, and sighed. "It's 4:30! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" 

"Because, Jung Wooyoung, someone named Spider-Man spent all fucking morning saving a bus filled with children from failing off a bridge. The last thing you needed to think about is what to wear for dinner."

"Oh," I suck in my lips. "Right, haha, oops."

"Just get ready and prepare to be investigated. Whatever you do, don't freak out."

"Saying 'don't freak out' makes me want to freak out, Sannie."

"You'll be fine! My mom loves you!"

"That's the biggest lie I ever heard and we both know Mingi the Angel," I deadpan. San just laughed as I continued. "You're mom hates me as your friend and hates me as Spider-Man. It's a double attack."

"Nah, she just has a hard time opening up."

"Na-Nah? San! What does she even wanna ask me? 'Why don't you tutor my son anymore?'"

"Trust me! Just smile and nod, and you'll be fine. Now go get dressed, dinner is at 6."

"6?!" I stand up. "I only have like an hour!"

"Oppises! Anyways, I gotta go help my mom prep the table; see you later!"

"Wait- San, how nice?"

"Aju nice," he said before hanging up.

"That brat!" I scoff before quickly looking through my closet.

Now, I am not Hongjoong but I think me wearing an all black casual suit is the way to go.

Yep, an all black casual suit and no make up. I don't want to piss her off even more so I just did a skin care routine and brushed/styled my hair.

I need a hair cut, my hair is reaching my neck at this point. 

OKay, I lied, I did my eyebrows because I don't have any.....fuckin' eyebrows.

I step out the bathroom to see Yeosang and Jongho enter the place.

"Oh, you look nice" Yeosang nodded. "Where are you going?"

"San's; his mom wants to 'investigate' me."

"Oh," Jongho sucks his teeth. "She knows, bro. She knows."

"Nah, San would have told me," I grabbed my wallet from the hallway drawer. 

"Nah," Yeosang shakes his head. "She definitely knows....Welp," he walks past me and sits on the couch. "Good luck and when is Auntie making dinner? I am hungry."

"Make it yourself, you have hands," Auntie Mei shouts from her room.

"Yeah," Yeosang shouted back. "But you're the best chief ever! Your cooking is a 5 star Michelin restaurant!"

"The limit is 3 stars and nice try!"

Jongho and I sigh as the Yeosang gets up to bicker with her to make dinner.

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