That's not the vibe- STOP

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Jongho and Wooyoung spent the weekend together crying over Yeosang and stuffing their faces with whatever food San or Auntie Mei brought back. 

San knew that Wooyoung and Jongho needed their time alone so he only came back to drop off food and to check on the two. 

Auntie Mei soon learned about what happened, babying Jongho to the fullest as soon as she did.  Anything he wanted, she got him. 

All three of them were crying while watching the movie Bee Movie with Auntie Mei in the middle of both boys. 

Jongho complained about 'how can a bee get more love than me?'

Wooyoung was just crying with Jongho.

Aunt Mei was confused on the movie so she focused her attention into cradling the two boys. 

"It's going to be okay, boys," Auntie Mei sighed. "Maybe Yeosang just needs a little time. Give him some time and maybe he will come back. If not..." she kissed the both of their heads. "The sometimes friendships come and go...what maters is the time you had together and how you remember it." 

Jongho, who's eyes were puffy and red, nodded, not having any more strength to care. 

A ping came from Jongho's phone, causing the boy to rush to see if it was Yeosang. Sadly, it was not. Jongho just showed Wooyoung the text from his mother asking when he was going to come home. 

"Here," Auntie Mei held out her hand. "I can call her if you wanna stay or drop you off."

"I think I should go home," Jongho sniffled. "Ha, I still have some homework to do before tomorrow."

"Alrighty, then," Auntie Mei nodded, standing up to ruffle the boys hair. "Come on, we can go get some ice scream before we go."


Wooyoung waved goodbye to Jongho as they dropped him off, telling him text or call him when he got the chance.

Jongho promised he would as his mother opened the door to hug him. 

Mrs. Choi was a lovely woman, unlike the other Mrs. Choi, and cared very dearly for her oldest son. When she heard what happened from Auntie Mei, she too broke down in tears. 

Leaving to let the boy be with his family, Wooyoung stared out the window into the cool Spring air. 

"Auntie Mei?"

"Yeah, Wooyoung?"

"Why does life always have to turn to shit?"

"Well, number one, watch your mouth."


"And number two, life is like a toilet. People will piss and shit in it, but it's your choice to flush it or not."

"That's a much weirder saying than "life is like a box of chocolates," Wooyoung laughed, running his fingers through his hair. 

"Well, that saying makes life seem like it's sweet. Life is not sweet. Life is like a toilet. Full of shit," She smiled. 

"Watch your mouth," Wooyoung mimicked his aunt, earning a laugh from both of them.

"I suggest you let Yeosang calm down before trying to talk to him," she sighed. "He must be going through a lot right be saying those type of things."

"I know," Wooyoung bit his inner cheek. "It's just...This never happened before, and I don't know what to do."

"Just trust your instincts."

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