this shall never be posted

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"Guys, we need to get dressed!" Hongjoong said, standing up from the floor.

"Shit, the Rally! Come on, let's go raid their closet!" Yunho got off Mingi and ran up the stairs.

"Wait! I already have the outfit- AGH!" Hongjoong just gives up and follows Yunho.

"Alright, follow the captain," Seonghwa gets off the pile of humans. "Let's wreck my room, I guess." He walks up the stairs. Yeosang quickly follows close behind Seonghwa, using him as a shield from Mingi still on the floor and taunting Yeosang with huge...Hugs.

Oh, yeah. The pile of humans was San, Mingi, Yeosang (poor man), Seonghwa, and then Yunho.

They decided to randomly jump on each as San laughed at my ... past experiences... I just stayed on the couch and planned a way to get these bitches back.

"Come on, Wooyoung, let's go transform your ugly ass," Jongho got up from the recliner and pulled me off the couch. "We must show Spider-Man what he has done for this city."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, like what? Play pretend superheroes as people get hurt?"

"Hey! Don't say that about you- your friend, our friend, the city's friend, Spider-Man!" San pushes himself off the floor.

"Spider-Man saved the city and mostly me so many times! You just need to see that other people think the same," San grabbed my hands and locked his eyes dead on mine.

"Why do you care so much about what I think anyways? It's not like I am Spider-Man," I scoff.

The room goes silent... Why are they quiet?

I know why Jongho is quiet, but why is San and Mingi silent?

"Yeah, but Um, I just don't like that you are thinking of your friend like that!" San laughs and starts to drag me upstairs.

"Yup, I can't have my child-in-law not be a fan of Spider-Man! Yunho would kill me," Mingi helped push me up the stairs.

Why are these two so suspicious...?

Song Mingi and Choi San are best friends.

Okay, but what does that have to do with anything?

What do you do with Yeosang?

Steal his food.

NO! Jeez! I mean with information!

Oh, I tell him almost everything...but the Spider-Man thing.

Good, you do have a brain!

You ARE my brain!

Anyways! Just keep that in mind; you might need it.





Fuck you.

"Geez, I can walk up by myself!" I complain.

"Just shut up and walk up to Seonghwa Hyung's room," Jongho says from the bottom of the stairs.

"Fine!" I quickly walk past San and stare at him from the top. "Come on, we don't have all day. Knowing Hongjoong... he planned a whole fashion show for this shit."

"Yeah! Fashion show!" Mingi smiled and ran up the stairs. "Let's go!"

So that's what we did; we all ran into Seonghwa's room to find Yeosang about to throw hands with Hongjoong.

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