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"JUNG WOOYOUNG! YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR A MONTH! YOU HEAR ME? A MONTH!"Auntie Mei screamed at me from the phone, again.

Eden had called my Aunt and told her I got into a small accident in the city when the attack happened. That I was resting and getting medical at his building.

Like it wasn't my fault.

I mean like it was but she doesn't know I'm Spider-Man, go ground the lizard guy.

"Thanks, I see you very much care." I sarcastically say.

"Don't get sassy with me, young man. Yeosang told me that you just ran off living poor San and him behind. Where were you going,huh?"

Yeosang, that snitch. Just you wait, I will get my time to shine under the spotlight.

"Oh he's just being dramatic, I told him I had to grab something from Yunho-"

"Yunho isn't on that side of the city."


"And! I got caught up at a TBS merch store and that's when the attack happened."

"Why are you lying to me..."She spoke so softly I could barely hear her.

I don't want to lie to you. I don't want to lie to anybody about this but it is to keep you safe. To keep you in the dark. To keep you alive.

"I'm not, Aunt Mei. Please trust me. You know I would never do anything illegal or something that could put me at risk. It's just... I'm having a hard time dealing with things and being alone is the best for me right now."

Bullshit, you're a lying son of a bitch.

Don't guilt trip your aunt.

I have to! She won't leave me alone unless I do this!

Yeah, so just lie to her?

Yes, I am not going to wake up one day and regret telling her the truth because she died because of me.

Not again.

Never again.

I will not let it happen again.

"I... I understand, I really do. But Wooyoung, please talk to me. I know that you teenagers are moody but please. I want you to be and stay safe. Just- Just come home. No wait, I'll come to get you. It's better if we talk in person."

I agreed and sent my location before saying goodbye.

Eden came in shortly after with his wife to help me get situated.

"Thanks, Mr. Eden." I spoke, fixing my bag over my shoulder. "Thank you, too, Mrs. P."

"Don't worry about it, Sweetie. If you ever need something, don't be afraid to ask, okay?" Mrs. P gently spoke.

Mrs. P, or Penny Shin, was Eden's wife. Mrs. P had short brown hair and small eyes with a big smile. (when she wasnt smiling, you were going to die. Eden told me that even bad guys were scared of her when she wasn't smiling.) She was lean but built and was never seen without her round glasses.

She was THAT girl.

(Mrs. P was slightly taller than Eden in her heels which made me almost laugh when I first saw them together. It reminded me of Hongjoong and Seonghwa.)

They bickered like an old couple but at the end of the day, Mrs. P told me Eden cuddles her to sleep.

I want someone like that.

But I will never be able to have someone like that.

"Thank you so much, you've done too much already for me. Really."

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