Cliché Part 1

167 14 125

I'll save you guys all the boring details.

We fought, I kicked him, he scratched me, I'm bleeding from a major scratch on my arm, I caught him in a cocoon of webs, and escaped and now I am heading back to the party to assure the people ,who knew, I was safe.

I go and land on Hwa's roof and go down to the bathroom window to slip in.

Now, should I keep my suit on and go "heeeeyyyy!" or take it off and go "suuuuuupppp!"?

Let's keep San's promise, I can at least do that for all this I made him go through this week.

I try to sneak out of the bathroom after asking Genie to fix the lining of my suit.

The tech Eden has was amazing.


I really need to talk to him about the whole Lizard dude thing.

I was just going to find San and-

"Oh my God! It's Spider-Man!" A 6'1 giant runs up to me.

Fuck, it's Yunho.

"Hey! There, dude!" I finger gun him and slowly start climbing up the wall to give me some height.

"I'm a huge fan! I think a bigger one than San! I know everything!" His face changes from happy to Distraught.

"That sounded so creepy, I'm so sorry! Please, come in! I'm sure Seonghwa hyung has some medical supplies, We all saw the fight!" He motioned me towards the place everyone was at.

Now, if i didn't actually know Yunho, I would call him a creep and run away but obviously, he wasn't. Just weird.

I just shake my head.

"I'm just here on a favor from Wooyoung. Gotta say hi to San then imma head out."

I held my arm like it was hurt, which it was, but it was to emphasize that I was on a mission.

His face lights up and his smile widens.

"You know Wooyoung?!" He practically jumps up and down.


"Um, yeah yeah- Uh, cool guy, he helped me once and now we're friends." I chuckle nervously.

"Great! I think he's here too? I don't know, Seonghwa said something about Aunty Mei, anyways- Come on in! We can get you some food to take!" He grabs my hand and just sort of pulls me off the wall and into the other room.

"Oh, I'm fine-"

"Hey guys! Look who's here!" Yunho shouted, lifting up my arm.

We were now in the living room with all eyes on me.

"Haha, hey." I say, stretching out the 'e.'

I see them look from the T.V. with Spider-Man (me) playing replays of my little chase with Dr.Lizard and then back at me.

"Oh, thank God!" Jongho runs over and checks to see if I'm ok.

"Jongho." I whisper.

No response, still checking my suit.

"Jongho!" I whisper yell this time.


I motioned my head towards the people and he finally understood.

"Ah! Ahhh! Um I'm so glad to see Spider-Man safe! Give it up for our hero!" He simply said before everyone started cheering.

"Aw, thanks guys. I'm fine really! I just um I just saw the party and thought it would be cool to drop by." I feel Yunho whip his head towards me and tilt it as to say "that's not what you fuckin' told me?"

Spidey Time || WooSan Spider-Man AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon