🏔Choi Punk🏔

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"OHHHHHHHHHH!! WOAH OH YEAH BABY, LETS GO!" I screamed out the top of my lungs as I swung from building to building.

So I decided to obviously take the public transportation choice, as you can clearly see.

It was much faster than waiting from a train or a bus.

I was at my apartment in no time- Shit... I can't be here before my friends.

Well, before Yeosang.

I land on my apartment roof and just chill there for a while.

No one was there and no one will be coming up.

The Roof was a great place to chill.

You could see the city clearly, didn't have to worry about the smell ( well, not as much as other places) , and I set up some fairy lights and two chairs up here.

Hell, I was even growing a mini garden.

The owner didn't care, as long as she could take flowers and fruit from my garden at any time.

She thought what I had done with the place was nice and gave me special access.


I love that lady.

I decided to pull out my phone after taking my goggles and mask off.

And yes, I didn't change out of my uniform, I am not that stupid.

I opened Instagram and looked for Mingis account to ask him for Choi's information.

I_Will_Never_Be_Alone_2013: dude, it's me wooyoung. What's Chois' number?

I texted Mingi and waited about 2 minutes before he replied back.

Mingki_FixON!: 1. sorry I am at yunhos,

2. it's ***-***-****

3. Wtaf is that username dude?

I roll my eyes and laugh.

I_Will_Never_Be_Alone_2013: Don't worry bout it, i can't believe you randomly told me you liked yunho

I_Will_Never_Be_Alone_2013: and ok fisjisjaia I made this when I was younger, it's my spam so stfu.

I_Will_Never_Be_Alone_2013: thanxxs, i'll text him later.

Mingki_FixON!: i did????? wjshaij when did i do that???????????????????

Mingki_FixON!: also pls change it, it's so cringe.

I_Will_Never_Be_Alone_2013: earlier? when?you?asked?me?to?help? choi san?

I_Will_Never_Be_Alone_2013: and fine, i will later.

Mingki_FixON!: ishdisbzbja sishsiwjaia oh fuckbaisbsiahsiajaisjiaiodjs sjsishsissjj no is ajjsnsi

Mingki_FixON!: so, you didn't hear shit.

Mingki_FixON!: you didn't see shit

Mingki_FixON!: you will not say shithssbwishwisjw

I_Will_Never_Be_Alone_2013: chill dude, it's not place to judge or say anything

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