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"Shh! You're going to wake them up!"

"Shut up then! I'm trying to take a photo!"

"Both of you, shut the fuck up and leave the room."

"Yeah, listen to Hongjoong guys-"

"Stop being a simp, Hyung."

"Shut up, Jongho. Want me to take you to my room?"

"Psh, is that supposed-"

"No, he's sorry, Hyung ! He doesn't want to go into your room."

"Shhh! Mingi!"

"Ah guys?"

"What, Yeosang?"

"I think they are up."

San and I were up for awhile, we were legit staring at them for a whole ass minute.

I was ready to murder them for waking me up, San seemed a little less aggressive than me.

It was so horrible that the wake up cuddling your friend embarrassment wasn't there.

Just irritation.

"What the fuck...?" San said, in his husky morning voice. "Do you guys wanna die? Get out."




Ah shit, listen here buddy, don't you dare-

"Wooyoung..." Yeo whispers on my side.


He looks down and sucks in his lips.


I quickly get up and run towards the bathroom, practically climbing the walls to get to it.

No- no-no-no-no-no!

Excuse me, as I take care of a big problem down under.


I'm back.

Don't ask-

Don't even think about it.

I washed my hands and went back to the room now filled with 7 boys trying to attack poor San on the bed.

"What y'all doing?" I ask.

Yunho turns around and grins.

"That was a long ass dump, dude! Was it the pizza?"

"Did you turn on the vent?" Mingi chimes in.

"For real! I wanted to shower but not if it smells like shit." Yuyu joked.

I look at Yeosang and he shrugs.


"Haha, very funny. Get off poor San, look at him. He looks like a scared cat." I say, walking over to the poor guy.

"Aw, he's fine! We just wanted to know what y'all were doing last night." Hwa wiggles his eyebrows.

"Hmmm! We heard yelling and then boom! Silence... what were y'all doing?" Yunho teases.

"Nothing, we had an argument over who was the cutest couple. That's all. Then we slept." I saw.

San nods his head and agrees with me.

"Uh huh. Sure- then why did you have a morning boner?"

Everyone 's eyes go wide, not just me as we look at Jongho who was staring at me, deadpanned.

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