Chapter 21

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All Might headed to the building to check on Midoriya and the damage. Ophelia could tell Midoriya was told to get his arm checked out as he walked out of the room, while All Might turned his attention to Katsuki before retrieving Ida and Uraraka. All Might and Uraraka were the first to walk in, followed by Ida lecturing Katsuki, who ignored every word. Katsuki made his way toward the bench in the room and plopped down, resting his hands on his knees.

"You did good, Uraraka," Ophelia congratulated as she walked up.

"But.. we didn't win," Uraraka stamped out.

"You don't need to win the battle to do well," Ophelia reminded.

All Might gathered everyone around to discuss the battle and what they did wrong. As Ophelia suspected, Yaoyozuru was the one to speak up about Katsuki's lack of teamwork and his bold way of fighting, even if it was part of his plan to stump Midoriya. They had many other options to win than the plan Katsuki threw at Ida.

"Let's get the next round started. Next is Team B versus Team I," All Might cut in, stopping the conversation from going further.

Todoroki and Shoji stood outside the building as the heroes. At the same time, Hagakure and Ojiro made their way into the building to protect their 'missile.' Ophelia made her way over to Katsuki and sat beside him.

"You did great, Kats," Ophelia whispered as she grabbed his hand and squeezed lightly.

Katsuki ran a hand across his face as he squeezed back. "I almost..."

"I know, but you didn't. It's okay to lose control sometimes; let it out, but don't let it take over you."

Katsuki muttered under his breath but didn't say anything else, and Ophelia knew he had to sort through the feelings that seemed to clash inside him.

Jirou and Kaminari made their way over and stopped in front of her.

"Hey, Bakugou. Mind if we borrow your girlfriend? I promise I won't steal her," Kaminari joked as he winked at Katsuki.

Ophelia snorted at his lame joke while Jirou side-eyed him with a questioning look.

"I'm not worried about that, sparky. You should be worried about her, though," Katsuki retorted.

Kaminari wearily glanced at Ophelia as she only shrugged with a grin. She'd had some fun scaring him if that's how he wanted to play. Jirou chuckled at his side, smirking at Ophelia.

"Do you have any thoughts against those two?" Jirou asked, jabbing her thumb towards Yaoyozuru and Mineta.

"I say we just electrocute the whole building," Kaminari suggested.

"No," Jirou and Ophelia flat-out denied.

"Winners! The heroes!"

Ophelia glanced over as the next fight was over, finding the building covered in ice while Shoji was still standing outside. She shook her head, figuring Todoroki made it a one-sided battle without inputting any teamwork.

"Guess it's our turn," Jirou commented.


"Go get 'em!" Mina cheered as she made a fist, throwing an arm in the air.

"Team G are the heroes, and Team C are the villains. You'll have five minutes to plan. Good luck!" All Might smiled as he gave them the instructions.

Jirou took the layout from All Might as they headed out of the room. Ophelia smiled as she passed Katsuki on the bench while Kaminari laced behind them, mumbling about the quickest ways they could win. Ophelia and Jirou glanced at each other as they rolled their eyes.

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