Chapter 45

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Ophelia barely paid attention to the bus ride as everyone chatted or yelled back and forth. Her day leading up to their departure was anything but as relaxing as it should have been. She knew it wasn’t exactly a field trip for them to have fun, though she didn’t know what Shouta had planned. The only thing he would tell her was they had All Might stay behind in hopes of separating two of the villains’ goals, their destination a secret from everyone but those who needed to know.

It gave her some sense of relief, yet the turmoil in her gut wouldn’t dissipate. Frustration coiled its way through her at not knowing if it was because monsters hadn’t popped back up, the Commission that breathed down her neck now, or that something would go horribly wrong. She’d rather the Commission breathe down her neck than another thing go wrong. They weren’t as threatening as Zeus when he’d quietly stare down at someone from his throne with no way to tell if he’d rather blast them or grumble words of praise that he would rather have not. 

Mina bounced in the seat behind her at something that was said, making the corner of her lip tug upward before it settled back as the brief moment ended quicker than she would have liked. 

Katsuki grumbled beside her, placing his chin in the palm of his hand as it rested on the armrest in the aisle seat. 

His actions surprised the few who didn't pay attention as he gave her the window seat when they boarded the bus. It was the short moment she had all day when she smiled at him, silently thanking him. The space she needed between everyone’s cheerfulness and the solitude to breathe comfortably without being overwhelmed had thinned extraneously.

Resting her head against the window, she drowned out the banter that ensued around her. The conversation was not one she could bring herself to engage in when her mind and heart were troubled with problems they wouldn’t comprehend, and she hoped it stayed that way. She had wanted to be normal like them. Being able to laugh freely while the troubles around them didn't reach their minds. Ophelia knew what had happened left a stain on them, but it wasn't big enough to have an impact that left them regarded.

To ruin that little bit of innocence they still had with what she had weighing her down was not something she would willingly push upon them. It didn't help that in order for her to tell them what was going on, she would have had to tell them her secret.

Reaching over, she grasped Katsuki's hand and laced her fingers through his. Her eyes trained on everything outside the window they passed. Watching. Waiting. 

Something was brewing. That was clear enough with the way her gut twisted and pulled inside her. She could have told herself she was overthrowing it, but that never ended well for demigods and she wouldn't allow another to weigh on her conscience for a mistake she could have prevented. Shouta had glanced back her way every so often during the ride, though no one would have been able to tell he was worried since he kept the same facial expression. The corner of her mouth curved upward when the idea of Shouta playing poker against Travis and Connor came to mind. Two of the best Hermes pranksters against Shouta would have been a sight to see. No doubt the brothers would cheat—since that's what they were good at and got away with it. She could see Shouta not falling for it and immediately binding the two into his scarf before they knew what happened. Some always said parents had eyes in the back of their heads and she attested to that being true with him. 

The bus began to slow down, making her take her head off the window and stare out the front window. She didn't see any reason for them to be slowing down. Nothing blocked the path and she hadn't seen any movement in the trees. Cliffs were on the other side of the road and she could only hope nothing was able to climb up them. A drop-off she would prefer to stay away from for many reasons. 

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