T h r e e ~ Library

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I walked through the hallway as I headed to the Library, luckily our school library wasn't small & crowded

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I walked through the hallway as I headed to the Library, luckily our school library wasn't small & crowded. It barely had people in there that comes everyday, it was wide enough. Equals the size of the big classes with bleachers in the school.

it has tons of books honestly and it's calmness is peaceful and the best to clear your mind. so when I have empty classes, I come here to get away from the crowd of the hallways and have some time with myself to read and dive into my books.
I'm used to go in the library and read every now and then or just sit there in the silence.

I took a seat on a tiny table as I placed my books and backpack. I opened my bag and got out the book I'm currently reading, sitting as I placed my legs Infront of me on the edge of the chair, my knees facing my chest as I clutched the book reading it as I started to dive into it, my nose buried into it.

books became my escape since all that happened, when my parents died, and then Keith traveled for University. It wasn't something easy on me. I was just nine back then, It just happened in a blur, in matter of days.


was devastated and I lost interest in everything. I didn't eat for days, maybe the only thing I did was reading to forget the reality of this tragedy that happened to our family.


ooks became my Friends, I could just dive into them and forget reality, loose track of time. Which I find beautiful in my point of view. I'm that kind of person who can't walk outside without a book in their bag.

I read instead of hanging out and making Friends. I don't even have any friends except Kevin & Lucas. Even if I don't have a book with me, I always have tons of books on phone on different apps.Yess, I have books obsession.

I took a sip of my ice latté as I focused on the papers. smelling the rich scent of papers through the library. I glanced beside me and saw Lucas passing by as Kevin held his hand to guide him. I had introduced them to each other before though. Kevin told me they're sharing a few classes today.

"Hey, Lucas." I spoke softly before even thinking of it. he turned to the side "hey, Penny." He replied with this charming smile as his face brightened up. So he recognised my voice. "I'll go now, excuse me little birds." Kevin waved walking away.

"what are you doing here?" he asked lowly. "I was just taking a break, reading a book." I replied, why I just talk a lot around him? I'm never the kind of person to take first steps or talk a lot. so that's definitely weird.

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