T h i r t y - f i v e ~ Bruises

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I sat on the bench while Penny treated my wounded knuckles, although I told her it's fine. It's not even the first time for them to be like that. well, I once broke a mirror and I used to punch the wall. I'm used to it.

"why did you even hit him out of no where?" she groaned annoyingly as she applied some cream on my knuckles carefully. "because he was talking about you," I rolled my eyes back. "Flirting you mean?" she asked, her eyes slightly wide.

"Yeah," I lied, I won't tell her he was making fun of you and laughing at you. I won't hurt her because of such an asshole. "well still-" she trialed off treating my hand. she absolutely has no idea what to say. "what? that Is shouldn't have punched him?" I ask annoyingly. "Honestly, I  don't find any other way other than what you did." she spoke, a quite giggle slipping from her mouth.

"See, I would kill him for you. Or maybe hang him on the door of the haul." I joked to lighten up the mood. "he deserves it. he did it once to one of our teams and her boyfriend beat him up." she spoke, wrapping a bandage around my forehand.

"you should take care, don't do it again." she spoke softly. "your words are my command." I murmured, wrapping my arms around her waist before I pull her closer to me. her stomach pressed again my chest as I looked up at her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head against her stomach, she giggled running her fingers through my hair.

I looked up at her before I pulled her face for a kiss, she kissed me back gently. It was calm and loving as I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, the feeling of her warm lips over mine.

"Love Birds!" Someone shouted causing Penny to jump. "what the heck Kevin?" I asked annoyingly rolling my eyes. "the boy is at the nurse's and crying and yet you're here kissing." He groaned. "I don't care about him, he got himself into this." I shrugged standing up.

"Anyways, if you excuse us, we're going home." I spoke, grabbing my bag. "Okay, just fuck off." He joked annoyingly walking out. "So grumpy," Penny commented, making me chuckle at her as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and we grabbed our bags and headed out.

we both walked into the car as Penny put on her seatbelt. "want anything before we go?" I asked her, knowing Adora & Alex are not in town these days for some work. "yeah, we need to get some groceries for dinner, besides I wanna make cookies or something." she smiled devilishly, man she knows I can't say no to the stuff she bakes alone. she's a pro at sweets.

"To the grocery store then," I spoke pulling out of the parking lot. I lay my hand on her tight as she placed her hands over mine, caressing the back of hand with her finger as we listened to the low music playing through the radio.

"so, do you have much to study today?" I ask softly as she stares out do the window. "No, not much. maybe I'd finish at six." she replied, good that way we could spend sometime together before going to sleep.

I walked along while pushing the cart behind Penny, she stood checking the stuff she needs while I watched her, a small crease between her eyebrows as she held two products, deciding which one to get.

she finally settled on one and put it in the cart. while she was checking other stuff, my overthinking was taking over me. Against my will, it's never the suitable time to do so.

Flashbacks of the nightmares came back to my head, the day penny was there, there's somehow magic in her. when she holds me in her sleep I don't see nightmares. But if she's on the same bed but she's not holding me I'd still dream of them.

I had them even before Adrien and they got worse after, my anger issues developed in a negative way too, I was always and constantly loosing my control on anything.

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