F i v e ~ lake

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"I won, again!" I teased Kevin who groaned in annoyance. I always win on him when we play Uno. I sent him a teasing smirk, causing him to huff. "you always win on me." he mumbled looking down with a pout. such a baby though.

"aww, poor baby is sad." I pouted, making him nod with a cute pout. "yes, you always win on me, Tiger. you even keep teasing me about it." he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry little puppy, come here." I giggled with a pout as I wrapped my arms around his torso. my head resting on his chest as he hugged me back.

"you'll stop teasing me about it?" he asked looking down at me as I looked up at him.

"Yes, Pinky promise." I raised my finger, intertwining it with his as we both giggled.

"we're children in kindergarten." Kevin mumbled hugging me. "you are, I'm just going along." I mumbled, causing him to shove my hair as I hit his chest lightly.

"wait, where's Lucas?" Kevin asked, pulling away from me slightly. "right there." I turned around, pointing out Lucas who was talking on the phone. "he's calling his mother." I mumbled, resting my head against Kevin's chest again as I closed my eyes.

apparently, there were only the three of us since the other went hiking. I was exhausted to do it so I decided to stay. Lucas couldn't go as well because of his situation. Kevin decided to stay with us saying he won't leave us alone.

so I & Kevin played Uno together and Luc went to call his mom. after that we will probably start making dinner so the food would be ready when they come back.it was now sunset thought.

"we need to get up and make lunch before they come; they'll come back starving," I spoke patting Kevin's back as I got up and wiped the dust off my clothes. I went over to Lucas as he picked up. His hair flew in his face.

I giggled lightly as I reached out and placed his hair behind his ear. "Breeze bothering?" I asked with a smile. "Yeah," he chuckled.

"That's the cons of having short hair." He mumbled making me giggle. "At least there's one pros for long hair." I spoke back with a smile. "you don't have too long hair you know?" He spoke. "Yes, and I'm lucky for that." I mumbled with a sight making him chuckle.

"Anyways, we need to get back to make lunch before they come here starving." I mumbled, Lucas chuckled as I held his arm and walked back to the tents.

"what are we going to cook today?" Kevin asked excitedly. "I have no idea, ask the chef." I spoke referring to Lucas as I grabbed a bottle of water. Lucas shook his head with a smile.

"what do you think?" Kevin asked. "maybe just some tuna today. it's hot out there and they won't need warm food today." Lucas shrugged. "I agree," I replied back putting away the bottle.

"Okay then, we need to cut some veggies," Luc spoke as I grabbed the cutter and two knives so Kevin would help; with that, we could make food faster.

I & Kevin started to cut as Lucas stood next to us while the three of us chatted about different stuff and honestly, it was funny.

after we finished all of this, we made the tuna successfully and left it until the others come. but of course, we stole some of the vegetables. causing Lucas to scold us saying he's not stupid and he could hear really good.

which I agree, this boy has werewolf's ears. after that, we grabbed some Juice and watched the sunset while we talked and played cards and it was funny, to be honest.


we sat around the fire as we drank some warm drinks since it was getting colder whenever it gets near midnight. it was now around eleven and half.

I decided that I'll go to the lake I saw today and read a book. I also think of getting Lucas with me as well since he likes this stuff.

I don't think Kevin will come because he's literally falling asleep right now, his head resting on my shoulder like last night.

"I'll go sleep." Kevin spoke straightening up. "night." he mumbled getting up. "night." I spoke as he started to walk, cleaning the sand off his clothes while he walked away.

I turned to the other side where Lucas sat, his hair falling on his eyes as it moved along the breeze.

the others sat chatting and distracted, thankfully there weren't eyes peeking at us.
That's the chance.

"Lucas," I whispered looking up at him excitedly. he hummed back, his eyebrows raising up. "get up, I wanna take you somewhere." I spoke grabbing his arm as I got up. "Okay?" he said with a curious face making me giggle. I grabbed his hand in mine as we walked slowly so Lucas won't trip and fall.

"I really wanna know where are you taking me miss. Penny." Luc spoke with a funny face. his left eyebrow-raising up and his lips a little pouty which looked funny in a cute way.

"toooo the lake!" I thickened my voice making him chuckle. "there's a lake in here?!" he asked, slight amusement in his voice. "yup." I replied happily.

"how did you find it though?" he asked curiously. "when I was walking here in the sunset I found it and I thought it would be cool if we go at night." I spoke again with a smile, causing a soft smile to draw on his lips.

as soon as we reached there, we sat on the edge as we watched the lake. I grabbed a book as I flicked through it. "did you really bring a book?" he asked with a chuckle, figuring out from the paper's flicking voice.

"yes, for entertainment and mind-clearing." I said happily with a content sigh.

"seriously we have books obsession." Luc chuckled shaking his head, I giggled lightly. "we do." I replied. "and that makes us special Mr. Lucas." I added hooking my arm with his. making him giggle as he ruffled my hair with a beautiful smile.

I froze at that, his touch felt so light and soft. even thought it was a simple gesture, it had my heart racing like a marathon. my cheeks turned pink as I watched his face.
I felt butterflies in my stomach.

his smile slowly faded to be replaced with a frown, causing a frown to form on my face as well. "why did you get quiet? did I annoy you? you didn't like it? I'm sor-" Luc stuttered pulling me out of my daze as I cut him off ruffling his hair back.

"No, I didn't. don't freak out!" I exclaimed with a giggle, making him sigh in relief as the smile drew back on beautiful lips.

"Okay, I'll start to read and you'll listen silently, student!" I teased. "student? really?" he asked in disbelief. "you called me assistant, I call you student." I teased back. "Okay then Assistant," he spoke back, making me slap his shoulder playfully.

I grabbed the book and opened it, my head resting on his shoulder as I started to read. I felt Luc's shaky hands crawl up my back, resting on my shoulder. I smiled softly at that as I continued to read. nestling in Lucas's warm body and intoxicating scent that filled my nostrils.

after a few minutes, my eyes slowly closed that I didn't even realize how I fell asleep.


This is my favourite cozy mood ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Wish I could go there, who's coming with me? ( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ ).

Anyways I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Song: Zero O'clock

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