T h i r t y - f o u r ~ nightmare

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"oh yeah? You're never enough! Ever! Adrien is better than you! He surely is!" My dad shouts right at my face.

"stop comparing us, you're just trying to make differences between us to challenge each other. But we love each other, because we are brothers. This is what brothers do!" my seven year old shouts back angrily.

Suddenly, Adrien appears behind dad, his body covered in bruises, exact the same to the day my dad hurt him. my eyes keeps locked with his, he looked me dead in the eyes, as if he's about to hurt me.

"Brothers huh? look what have you done! You'll never be enough! Ever!" Adrien shouts loudly piercing my ears.

I jolt up suddenly, unable to breathe as I gasp and look around hastily. I could hear Penny's muffled words before she wraps her arms around my head and pulls me to her chest. supporting her body with her knees, I am scared. I wrapped my arms around her tightly as I tried to breathe and calm down. It was just a nightmare.

"It's okay, I'm here." I could hear penny murmur against my hair, the side of her cheek resting on the top of my head as she runs her hand through the end roots of my hair. After I calmed down and finally found my voice, I spoke.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, I woke her up hastily in the middle of the night when she is tired and she didn't sleep yesterday at all.

"Don't," she murmured against my hair. "Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked again, her voice much calmer. "No, I mean. Not now." I replied, I was still not ready to tell her the truth behind my nightmares. not now.

"okay, come on. let's get up and wash your face because you're sweating and then we could go to sleep." she kissed my forehead.

"okay," I spoke into her chest, she pulled back as we got up. Penny took me to the bathroom with her hand hooked in mine tightly. I washed my face and took off my shirt because of my sweating and I was getting hot. we went back to the bed as we laid on our backs, both of us staring at the ceiling.

"So, you'll sleep again?" she asked softly. "yeah, if you hold me." I replied, something about her holding me during my sleep makes my nightmares go away, or end up in the middle so it's not too frightening.

"of course, come here." she spoke opening her arms for me. I flipped resting my head against her chest as she wrapped her arms around my head, her fingers running through my hair to soothe me before I fell asleep.


I woke up to a voice rattling through the closet. I opened my eyes to see Lucas, he stood infront of the closet putting on a hoodie, his hair wet so he was showering I guess. he then sighed walking to the bedside table, grabbing his phone and my scrapbook.

he draws in it sometimes, I figured out by time that he sometimes gets his feelings out by drawing and doodling. he was a really good artist though.

he grabbed a pencil, pulled his knees closer and rested the scrap book as he drew on it, the other hand holding the scrapbook. a crease appeared between his eyebrows as he started to draw with a focused glare, his tongue poking out a little from the side of his lips. so cute. I shifted and turned myself his way, resting my head on his stomach.

"What're you drawing little artist?" I asked with a soft smile as I looked up at him. a small smile drew on his lips and his eyes were still on the scrapbook, he's officially teasing me. okay then, I'll deal with that.

"okay then, I was thinking we could cuddle and make some cookies with chocolate chips but seems someone doesn't want to-" I spoke before he started tickling me, I giggle loudly and squirmed away from him to the edge of the bed, before he smiled.

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