T h i r t y - t h r e e ~ volley ball

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I put on my team uniform as I tied my shoes in the changing room. I was finally back to volley ball since the season started.

I got out of the room and went to the playground. we all greeted each other with hugs and smiles, I've been away for too long. we then chatted untill the coach comes, she came back to us as we sat on the benches and she started to talk.

"Okay, Everyone. It's the begging of the season and we need to start fresh, There is no time this season to waste and no time for bullshit. Also someone hasn't came for the last three months of the previous season." The coach spoke, referring to me as they all snickered.

"I had a lot of things going on, don't blame me." I pointed out at her. "Fine, only this time little Tiger." She replied, they always called me the tiger in the team. Because I was ranked best player for about two seasons before.

"Let's start, now everyone warm up untill I get the balls. Emma & Lili, Prepare the net." The coach demanded as she went out to get better balls for us. I did a few push-ups and running untill we were all done. the coach came back and we split into two groups to praczice in two teams. the team I was in were doing a better job.

After a few minutes, the ball came near me, I jumped to catch it but before I even could, I fell on my back, my arm hit the hard floor. Not now, for God's sake. I laid back in pain as they all gathered around.

"Hey, oh shit!" I heard Luc's voice. Did he come here? I saw him standing next to me. he scooped me up and helped me to the benches. handing me a bottle of water as hus warm hands rubbed my back.

"You good, you scared the hell out of me." he mumbled. "I'm okay, my shoulder just hurts." I smiled weakly as he rubbed it soothingly. "Get her an ice pack and medical cream." The coach spoke to Lili.

Lili came back with a pack of ice and a medical cream as she handed them to me. walking away she winked at me before standing next to the girls, who were now snickering. I didn't tell them I have a boyfriend, they'll tease the hell out of me.

"Here starts the teasing," I mumble, hoping Luc wouldn't hear me. "Does it still hurt?" He asked as I applied the Ice pack. "a little." I replied. "a kiss would make it go away you know," he shrugged, such a tease. He just wants a kiss. "try," I challenged. he reached over and kissed my shoulder, moving back to my face as he kissed me gently, it was short yet cute.

I could hear the girls gasp and mumble, they can't believe that my ass, who used to be single as fuck, has a nice looking boyfriend. they always expected I'd love a library man who has itches on his forehead, I don't know why specifically that, but they liked to joke about it.

he then helped me put on the medical cream on my shoulder and sat next to me. The coach handed me a hanger to hang my arm. "Keep it for two days untill you're good. And apply the medical cream twice a day. And, Um. Penny's boyfriend, I'm telling you that I bet she skipped the last three months of the previous season because of you. I wouldn't forget that for you." she joked pointing at him, causing him to smile. "she's the lazy one, not my fault ma'am." He joked back. "Now it's me? who was partially clingy all we-" he cut me off by placing his hand on my mouth, making me want to bite him.

The coach giggled walking away as Luc smiled teasingly at me, I narrowed my eyes at him before I squeezed a part of his bicep. he groaned in pain pulling his hand away. "what in the world?" He asked before he slapped my forehead, we both looked at each other for a few minutes with straight faces, before we started to laugh. gosh we're so chaotic.

After that, I practiced carefully for my shoulder and Lucas sat watching me. By the end of the training I was covered in sweat. and even I was so, Lucas wouldn't stop hugging me and wrapped his arms around me all the time although I told him I'm covered in sweat. he told me he's okay with it, which made me smile.

"so, which training you're planning to?" I asked as we walked out of the building as he held my bag for me, it was now sunset as the sun shone on us. the place was so quiet today for good.

"well, I was thinking of going back to fencing or swimming. maybe basket ball, football or volley like you, I don't know I'm confused." He spoke, Lucas already practices at home to keep himself fit but he wanted to get back to sports. he always plays boxing and excercises so It's already good. I wouldn't mind seeing him while he's practice, and I'd love to support him.

I'd be happy to give him his towel, give him message after it or make him food and him to sleep in my arms. That sounds like an anime.

"You'd be amazing in any of them," I smiled up at him, he chuckled. "Seems I have the cutest, most supportive girlfriend ever." he squished my cheeks with his hands and kissed me, I giggled tapping his nose as we continued to walk.

"Adora told me to get you with me, she made your favorite dinner today." I spoke, making him smile softly. "she's the best, I'm thinking to stay today with you and we could go to school together." He spoke again wrapping his arms around my shoulders, thinking loudly.

"yes, Do it. Don't even think, just get your spare bag from the trunk and come with me." I spoke with much excitement I can't control as I held onto his arm. It feels like ages when Lucas last came to our house.

he chuckled at me as we went to the car, we drove and Lucas grabbed a smoothie for me, then we went back to my house I took a shower and Lucas changed his clothes, I put my training clothes into the laundry before I threw my self on the bed.

I had a whole mountain of homework today and I need to finish it or else, I'd get detention and I couldn't go with Lucas to his house tomorrow after school.

Lucas came back lying next to me, my eyes were closed but I heard his footsteps and the dip in my bed when he laid. I felt him squirm as his hands wrapped around my waist, his head resting on my chest, I smiled to myself as I ran my fingers through his hair to let him relax. he's cute, too cute.

I always wonder what did I do to deserve him, it's like he had fallen from the sky for me, and I was the lucky one to catch. he stole my heart, the only one who did so.

I always hear girl gossip about some handsome boys in school but no one ever managed to make me think and admire him.

I reach out and kiss his forehead, he looks so cute when he's asleep. his puffy cheeks getting blown up as soft puffs leave his lips, my fingers ran through his hair gently. I leaned my head back with a dreamy smile before I finally took a good nap.



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