F o u r ~ shoulder

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I stood waiting as I ate some jelly, standing with blue wide pants, a grey oversized t-shirt above

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I stood waiting as I ate some jelly, standing with blue wide pants, a grey oversized t-shirt above. I styled my hair into two braids and stood in white cream converse shoes.

I looked beside me to see Lucas standing with a woman as she hugged him, I assume it's his mum. he smiled walking away as he came near me and stood, obviously not realizing me as I walked over to him.

"hey," I spoke softly with a smile. "hi," he replied back flashing a beautiful smile. the breeze brushing his hair to the side as the sun shone on his tanned skin and glowing eyes.

"let's go everyone!" The teacher spoke. I grabbed his hands in mine. "the stairs are rough." I whispered with a smile, referring to the bus stairs. "Okay," he chuckled shaking his head at me.

we both got up and sat in the first row; I sat next to the window and Lucas next to me. I handed him some sour patches I got.
"What is that?" He asked curiously with a small frown. "Sour candy patch and gummy bears," I replied happily. "Thanks." He smiled eating them, Looking adorably cute.

"Do you wanna listen to some music?" I offered with a smile. "Okay," He replied as I handed him one of my earphones and took the other, playing the I-pod as we listened in silence to the soft music and the soft silence, I closed my eyes leaning back against the headrest.

Lucas's pov:

I sat closing my eyes as I listened to music and tried to sleep, I sighed fixing my position to a more comfortable one as I leaned my head against the headrest. I felt a head on my shoulder and I knew it was Penny. "Penny?" I whispered softly, making sure that she was asleep. No answer, she had already slept. I reached out fixing her head so it won't hurt her neck, I felt her hair under my palm, it felt so soft. I hesitantly ran my hands through the soft strands of her hair. It just felt so beautiful...

I don't know what I'm feeling exactly. attraction? Liking? Or maybe...


I still hadn't found it out yet, but I will figure it out soon...


"Penny? wake up, we're here." I could hear someone as they stroked my cheek. their thumb grazing softly over my skin. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Lucas.

"I'm up," I replied informing him as I straightened up, rubbing my eyes sleepily in the process. "okay, let's go," he spoke softly with a smile.

at first, we headed to the camping spot, and everyone started unpacking and preparing tents, Kevin made for us our tent too since I forgot mine so I'll probably share it with him. Lucas helped with food and I was his assistant, to help him with the food and stuff.

we stood making spaghetti and chicken for today as the sun started to set. "I'm so excited." I chirped happily with a squeal as I stood next to Lucas who had a smile plastered across his face. "Yeah, finally two days away from the crowd." Lucas sighed in pure content. "The weather is amazing here, you know. Not too hot or too cold." I noted, trying to start a conversation, not that I always do this. it's just with Lucas that I get the courage to start a conversation with.

"Yup, I hate hot weather," Lucas replied. "Here, cut the tomatoes." he spoke handing me a bowl of red tomatoes and a cutter along with a small knife. "last time I did this I cut my finger." he mumbled. "Same thing. trust me," I replied with a giggle.

"But how do you manage to do all that things you do so easily when you even don't see them?" I asked softly, trying to sound as nice as possible. I don't want to hurt Lucas after all, his feelings matter way much more than my own curiosity.

"I just got used to it." He replied with a shrug. "Were you born like that or.." I trailed off as I cut the first tomato "It was an accident when I was fifteen and they couldn't find a suitable organ for me till now." He replied, his voice becoming quiet than usual.

"Wait, so you could actually get back your sight if they got you one?!" I asked in Amusement, slight hope grew inside me. what if Lucas actually gets back his sight. I'm just imagining it and it would be amazing.

"Yup, but they won't; I mean they have been searching for years." He sighed stirring the salad. "Don't worry, it will one day. I'm sure of that." I patted his shoulder, he nodded with a smile.

"Cut the tomatoes Assistant!" He demanded with a thick voice, making me giggle as he laughed. "we have to finish food quickly or these hungry tigers out there could eat us up." He whispered in my ear and I giggled at that as I started to cut the tomatoes.

Night 🌃

we sat around the fireplace as I sat between Lucas & Kevin near the fire to get us some warmth.

Kevin sat in a blue shirt and black sweatpants, his hair almost flying off his head due to the strong wind. Lucas sat on the other side, dressed in a black hoodie and black slacks with a pair of white sneakers. the hoodie pulled over his head as his hair was slicked back because of it. only a few strands falling over his eyes and hiding them, although they shined from between.

"The weather is so cold. I want to go home." Kevin whined like a big baby, making me smirk as I slapped his shoulder teasingly. "you have to thank god we're not in New York." I mumbled. "Poor Keith, he must be freezing right now." I spoke with a small smile.

"He deserves it, don't you remember what he did to me last time?" Kevin protested throwing his hand in the air. "Yes, he broke you arm." I mumbled with a giggle, causing Lucas to Snort at Kevin. which made me laugh even more. "even you Lucas!" Kevin shouted.

"He was wrestling with me and we ended up in the hospital. seriously your brother should stop working out." Kevin spoke, mumbling the last part as I elbowed him lightly, making him groan dramatically at that. Lucas chuckled at that.

"Anyways, I wanna go to sleep," Kevin spoke with a yawn. leaning his head on my shoulder. "Penny is seriously a human pillow," he mumbled, making me smile as I looked over at Lucas. to see him smiling softly as he closed his eyes. the breeze hitting his face.

"I seriously wonder how I'm going to sleep next to you for four full days," I mumbled shaking my head, making him scold me as Luc snorted at us. "anyways, let's go all to sleep," I spoke getting up as I helped Lucas up. we cleaned the sand off our clothes. we took Lucas to his tent first after I made sure he was tucked and warm.

I & Kevin were walking to our tent as Kevin wrapped an arm around my shoulders, his forehand loosening on my arm as I held it with my hand. my other hand on his back. "who sees us now says we act like a married couple." Kevin mumbled making us both giggle. "yeah," I mumbled back with a smile.

"so, what's these all Lovey-dovey stuff going on between you and prince charming?" he asked with a teasing smirk, I bit his finger making him almost scream as he pulled it away.

holding it in his hands "you little monster!" he scolded hitting me at the back of my head. making me narrow my eyes on him as he poked my cheek. "nothing is going on, you're just daydreaming, as usual." I mumbled looking down at my feet as we walked.

"oh really?" he teased with a smirk, I could feel his eyes on the side of my face. "we'll see about that," he mumbled teasingly. we walked to the tent and prepared our sleeping space. I sat on my phone as I left a text for Adora since she texted me in the morning.

I turned it off as Kevin shifted on his spot multiple times. he reached out wrapping his arms around my waist from the back. as usual, Kevin is always cuddly when it comes to sleeping. when he sleeps he needs at least three pillows to sleep. and he identifies me as his best friend and his human pillow.

"Night cuddly," I mumbled rolling my eyes. "night little tiger," he mumbled back with a soft smile in his voice, I smiled softly before fluttering my eyes close.

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