E i g h t ~ Pet

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"hey, where are you?" Lucas voice appeared through the phone. "I'll be there in minutes." I spoke, walking more faster in pace. "Kay, you'll find me there already." He informed "Okay, see ya." I replied and picked up.

Lucas was walking his dog so he suggested I'd come join and maybe take a walk so I didn't mind. I mean, I love dogs. but I hope it doesn't kill me. he told me it wasn't a vicious one and that she's so cute. And that relieved me a little.

"Hey," I spoke approaching Lucas. "Hi, Penny this is Skylar, Skylar this is penny." Lucas said as I looked down, it was a big yet a really cute dog. she jumped Happily as I bent down.

"Hey," it reached my hands out and she shook them making me giggle.
"she likes to be called Sky." Lucas noted.

"Hey sky," I spoke ruffling her hair, she barked happily in a cute way as she jumped hugging me. "Oh my god, you're too cute to handle." I squealed rubbing her fur as she stood back on her fours.

"Now, let's go walk and have a drink, then we can go play in the park." Lucas said and Sky barked Happily shaking her tail. "She's so cuteee." I squealed with a pout.

"That's why I chose her in the first place, she makes you feel like she understands every single word you say." Lucas replied.

we sat at the bench having a drink as Sky ran around happily, the weather was sunny yet it had a slight cold fresh breeze which made and amazing combination, my favourite weather.

"So, how did you get Sky?" I asked taking a sip from my Milkshake. " I found her when I was nine on the street, she was bruised and almost dying, someone abandoned her or she was lost. I don't know.

So I took her to the vet and then, I convinced mum & dad to keep her, and Actually Mom & Dad fell in love with her so they couldn't say no." He replied shrugging with a smile.

"Aww, poor thing. But you know? She deserves such a caring person like you." I replied making him smile softly. "She's the one who takes care of me, alot. She helped me since the accident and she's the most one who taught me to walk alone and deal with the out world you know." He smiled softly.

"Dogs are th most loyal creatures on earth." I added. "Gosh even animal Friends are better than human one's" I rambled. "But they can't replace certain people who left you in life." Lucas mumbled. "Yeah, but some people, sometimes replace a part of them, a big part that it sometimes fills in the hole that they left." I explained.

"I mean, Luckily Alex & Adora. They replaced me my parents." I spoke. "But no one replaced the person I lost." He mumbled, he looked dazed as If he was in another world.

"What you mean?" I said as he zoned back to me with raised eyebrows. "What?! nothing. Uh- Do you- anyways, wanna get some sandwiches?" He suggested, he was escaping the conversation and I knew it.

He seems pressured about it so I won't push him to say. " Okay," I replied with a shrug. "Sky, Let's go!" I spoke making her run back to us. "Good girl, let's go." I scooped her up in my arms as we followed Lucas.

we sat on a bench as we ate sandwiches and drank coke

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we sat on a bench as we ate sandwiches and drank coke. Skylar was eating her food too that Lucas put down for her. It was now near sunset, Lucas said we could play in the grass for a while then go back home.

"Sky, Catch!" Lucas threw the flying plate as she ran behind it. Giving it back to Lucas.He handed it to me as Skylar sat steadily. I threw it as I spoke.

"So,  I don't want to be intrusive, but can I ask something personal?" I ask picking at my fingernails. "Depends on how personal it is. Try." He replied.
"How are you able to see and go anywhere alone you know? I don't know it seems weird to me. Other people don't do half of what you do." I spoke nervously, I don't want to be mean but I'm curious.

"Well," he sighed, running a ahnd through his hair. "First, I have a body guard, he takes me anywhere. Second and  most importantly, I'm not totally blind." He replied. What? "How?" I immediately asked. "I can see the outer shape of things, you know I won't pump into a wall." The corner of his lips lifted, causing me to smile.

"So you can actually see me?" I ask softly. "No, but I can make your outline. You don't look like a fat person." He says, making me giggle.

"I've never heard of anything like that." I mumble.

"Another question?" I ask again. "I'm ready." He replies. "I didn't pressure you earlier. I may be so curious but if you don't want to answer just don't." I spoke, Lucas looked confused as he spoke. "okay," he replied quietly.

"Who were you talking about when we started talking about When we talked about dogs?" I questioned; I don't know why was I pushing it so far, but I couldn't stop myself.

Lucas ran a hand through his hair as he spoke fidgeting with his hands "my brother," he sighed. "He died?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. "How?" I asked again, unable to Shut my mouth.

"He died in the military, two years ago." Lucas sighed pulling through his hair stressfully. He doesn't want to talk anymore. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be silly. I'm not going to ask silly questions anymore." I rubbed his back. "Nah it's okay," he replied carelessly as he ruffled his hair. "I'm getting tired, you wanna go home?" Lucas asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Okay," I replied lowly. "Sky, Let's go!" I spoke as Skylar ran back to us. She sticked next to Lucas's legs as he walked and I just watched both of them as I followed.

we stopped to a hault infornt of my house as Lucas spoke. "See you On Monday then?" Lucas questioned. "Yeah," I replied as I bent down to sky "goodbye little girl." I ruffled her hair as I kissed her. "Bye," Lucas smiled walking away. "Goodbye, take care." I said as I headed inside.

Lucas lost someone too
Lucas had his own scars....just like me .....


I'm glad Lucas finally opened up about his brother with Penny. Hope you liked the chapter 💗

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