F o u r t y - T w o ~ Packing (re-written)

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"all packed." lucas spoke zipping the last bag. "I'm ready." I spoke walking over to him.  He was dressed in a white t-shirt and black shorts, the Glasses hanging on his short as he held his black cap and put it on his head. A pair of sunglasses was hanging over the buttons of his dress-shirt. he grabbed the bag off the bed. "I'll take them down." He spoke getting out of the room.

The sun was shining through the curtains, I was dressed in a Yellow t-shirt and jeans shorts. My hair was loose as I looked around the room, making sure there was nothing left out. My phone rang on the bedside table, I grabbed it answering the phone. It was Kevin, I picked up.

"Are you guys ready?" He asked excitedly. The usual Kevin. "Yes Kevin, Lucas is putting the bags downstairs." I replied rolling my eyes. "Okay, I'm on my way." He replied as I picked up.

I went out downstairs to see Tom & Lucas helping each other. Every was making coffee for all of us in the kitchen. I went sitting with her as I helped her. I took Tom's & Luc's coffee as I went out to where they were preparing the cars.

Lucas stood adding some water to the car, Tom was watching him with a small smile. Tom really loves Lucas. I went handing Tom his coffee, in which he returned with thanks with  sweet smile of his. I went over to Lucas and handed him the coffee, he pecked my cheeks in return. we stood resting against the side of the car as Tom headed inside.

Lucas stood watching the garden, before he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I smiled placing my free hand on his back. "Are you excited?" He asked, looking down at me with that goofy smile, I nodded eagerly at him.

"Oh, sorry I forgot." He turned putting  his coffee on hood of the car. "Are you okay, does your body still hurt ?" he asked gently, placing his hands on my waist. he had those doe eyes on, god what did I deserve to this man?

It wasn't actually anything. Last night we were having pillow fights and Luc accidentally fell heavely on me. It hurt to be honest. But he kept hugging me and apologizing although I was okay. But he's being himself. The Protective Lucas.

"I'm okay." I smiled up at him. "I must say, it was so funny I barely held my laugh so you wouldn't get mad." He admitted, his blue eyes shining in the sun, surrounded by lines around his eyes that showed how genuine his smile was. "I must say It was so funny." I giggled hiding into his chest as he held me close.

We then heard a loud horn approaching, we pulled back to look and we saw Kevin in his blue car. He's so proud of his car, I remember once when Luc leaned over it. He kept scolding him for half an hour.

He parked the car and got out. "Are you ready everyone?!" He yelled excitedly, wrapping his arms around the both of us. "We definitely are mr. Kevin." Luc joked with a smile.

It was me & Lucas alone in his car, as he requested or else, we would've gone along with Every and Tom. we hopped into the car as Lucas put Skylar in the back couch, once we got out of the house gates. I started playing our favorite summer songs. It was so fun to watch Lucas so carefree as he sang along and got into the mood. Skylar was enjoying the open window. I could see her smile and tongue sticked out from the side mirror.

The way he looked was so beautiful, he had a black cap on as he wore it backwards. He had a white t-shirt on and jeans shorts. he had rounded sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

Although from his side profile I could see his blue eyes shining through. I always wonder how could someone be so flawless. there played a soft song along through the pure silence, it was comfortable. I reached over and intertwined his hand with mine.

He looked over at me with that beautiful smile. I smiled back at him as we looked ahead of us with comfortable silence, holding each other's hand.


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