T w e l v e ~ Ice

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I sat tying my skates as Lucas & Kevin kept bickering next to me. I waited for them as I watched the ice rink and the people skating in it. I was so excited to get back to it. I remember training Ice skating for a year I guess.

"I'm ready." Lucas spoke. "Let's go and Kevin would come soon." I spoke grabbing his hand as we walked. Before we got in Luc stopped.

"Penny, do you know how to skate?" He asked with a slight doubt. "Yes, I trained before." I replied back. "Okay take care of me, I don't know anything about it." He noted, I smiled softly at that. "Don't worry, I will take care of you." I mumbled before grabbing his other hand.

I went into the ice rink before Lucas got in as I held his hands.


I started walking in a simple movement as Penny held my hands, it made these shivers run down my spine.

I started skating more freely than the first few minutes, before I tripped and almost fell. I closed my eyes tightly before I felt a hand around my waist, my body was pressed to someone.

From the Scent I knew it was Penny.
"Are you okay!" She asked worriedly. "Yeah, are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I asked, worrying I'd be hurting her. "No, don't worry." She giggled, making me smile as I stood back straight.

"Failures!" I heard Kevin yell with an evil laugh before I heard a thud, I almost bit back a laugh. "He fell didn't he?" I almost laughed whike asking. "On his back, such an idiot." She mumbled with a giggle.

"Look who's the failure now!" I yelled back making Penny burst into laughing as he groaned. I chuckled at that too before
Penny held my hands again.

"Don't focus on him, he's such an idiot." Penny mumbled, "he is." I smiled. "Thanks, you know for getting us here." I murmured, her hands reached out touching my chest, making my heart thump loudly in my chest.

"You know, it's totally okay. I feel happy when you are." Her voice was as soft as a caress, pure as the water.

"You make me feel happy"


"Oh yeah? Because I remember you punched her that day." Kevin defended.
"Um, what's that about?" Lucas asked sitting next to me on the table.

Kevin tried to bite back a laugh, earning narrowed eyes from me. "Penny once had a match with another team in volley ball,
and somehow this girl was teasing the hell out of her and laughing at her. when Penny got enough, she punched the girl and almost killed her." Kevin let out a laugh.

I smirked digging the fork through my food, I looked aside at Lucas to see his mock horror face which made me laugh.

His eyes were wide, his jaw almost dropping to the floor, he looked like a K-pop meme or something.

"she broke her left arm, and broke her nose along with some stitches in her face. The next match with them the girl almost ran away from her." Kevin continued while laughing.

"What are you? A vampire?!" Lucas exclaimed, swallowing my food I replied.
"What did you want me to do? She kept tempting me." I defended throwing my hands in the air.

Lucas scooted away with his chair from me, which made me raise an eyebrow. "Now I'm scared." he mumbled, making Kevin laugh as Kevin shoved my head. causing me to slap his shoulder.

Assholes, my favorite assholes.

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