T h i r t y - S e v e n ~ two days

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It has been two days since we apologized to each other, we had been staying in my house for a while, Lucas was requesting it badly and I thought he didn't want to be reminded by Adrien's room.

But what I figured out that he had a massive argument with his father. and I noticed the marks on his knuckles and his left knee.

We were going back today after I convinced Lucas, Tom had already went abroad to Japan because he had some work. Luc agreed finally and we went. Once we got to his room, he threw himself on the bed.

I got in and saw what actually happened, shattered glass everywhere. Blood on the wall, what the hell was that? two wolves arguing?

"What the hell?" I uttered in amazement. Luc looked at me, urging me to stop. "Please Penny don't - not now at least. Just come here." He spoke patting the place next to him. I hesistanly laid next to him, before he wrapped his arms around me and fell asleep.


In the morning Lucas was showering, so I cleared the glass and everything. Anger Issues.

he got out, he kissed me to thank me for cleaning this mess. his hand wrapped around my waist to walk by without making me trip. "I'll go workout for a while." he mumbled kissing my cheek before he headed out. "Okay," I said in almost a whisper.

"hey Penny?" he spoke, holding the door knob. "yeah?" I turned around as I folded his shirt. "You Know I love you right?" he asked softly, almost worriedly. "I know," I smiled softly, a small smile appeared on his lips before he went away.

I looked out from the window and saw him, he was doing push-ups in the garden. gosh, I just miss the old Lucas he used to be, fun, cheerful, and happy. he's lost now, angry, tired and fed up from everything around him and doubting himself. when he asked if I still know he loves me it was a proof. he is afraid, freaking afraid I would leave him.

I continued cleaning up the room and sat to draw a little untill Luc finishes. After half an hour he came back, his body sweaty as he got into the bathroom. I stood there before I got out a hoodie and sweatpants for him.

I got into the bathroom as I placed them aside. "I got you clothes, need anything else?" I asked as he stood behind the curtains. "Thanks babe," he replied gently. "no worries," I replied heading out as I threw myself on the bed. It was now midday and I already wanted to sleep.

Then I heard the bathroom door open. "I wanna sleep." I groaned lowly to myself. I felt the bed dip next to me as I looked aside at him. He looked at me and without uttering a single word, he just wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my chest as I hugged him, my arms wrapping around his head as I kissed his forehead gently and finally closed my eyes. I want him- no I need him to be okay.


I woke up as I felt Lucas' body moving, I opened my eyes and looked down. A frown was on his face as his body was shaking, his forehead had a layer of sweat. I sighed running my hand through the his hair. The other running up and down his arm to calm him down.

whimpers were coming out of him as I cradled him into my arms, I kissed his hair as his breath became even and normal, the frown on his face slowly fading. I sighed in relief before I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes, trying to drift back to sleep.

It's been really weird these days, I'm thinking about the first couple of months when I & Lucas were beggining to fall in love, it was the chase time. Now there isn't any chase, but Luc always tries. I understand his state because of everything which is not any of his fault.

But The way he became now is not good, being angry all the time and mostly, he has no energy to explain or discuss, he runs from it. I really want to know what happened with him and his dad. Because a really intense argument had happened in this room from the scattered stuff I saw.

I just don't know, I'm so confused and tired. I just wish everything goes back like how it used to be, happy and peaceful. I wish I could just go back to Luc's arms around me while we talk for hours or when he reads me my favorite books. I really miss that.

And I hope we get to it soon...



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