T w e n t y t h r e e ~ Emily isn't coming

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I sat scribbling through my scrap books as I stood Infront of the office. I groaned frustradely as I pulled through my hair. my phone buzzed on the bed, I looked back to see Ian's name. Is there something wrong?

I went back grabbing the phone as I picked up, placing the phone between my ear & shoulder as I went back to searching through the drawer.

"Hey loser!" Ian's voice beamed out. "Hey there animal!" I replied, rolling my eyes at that. "Are you coming to The Boring Dinner next friday?" He asked, obvious annoyance in his voice. "I don't know, I'll see Penny first." I replied back while searching. I finally found it, raisin my hand up with a smile. finalyy!

"You know Emily will be there right?" He asked, making me drop the book on the floor. What. The .actual.hell. is. That?

"Oh god, I'm not coming." I groaned bending down to get my scrapbook.

"Don't annoy yourself for her, you could come. This way she'll know you finally are back again and you have a girl friend, a true one. That's the vest revenge man." He replied devilishly.

"Also," he said with a sigh. "I can't wait to see the scene when Emily knows Penny is your girlfriend. Now that, would be a movie scene." He added happily as I heard a click of a can though the phone. Energy drink addict. I thought.

"I don't want that, totally." I mumbled. "Lucas, do you still care about her? After all things she did to you?!" He asked, sounding irritated.

Of course I never care about Emily, I care about Penny. I know Penny could kick Emily's ass but I can't help let Penny listen to Emily's silly comments that she will be probably throwing all day.

Maybe Penny could put her back to place, but I don't want her feelings to be hurt. she's the Only thing I care about.

"No! I don't care about her. But you Know Emily can't shut her mouth. she will be talking about how much we used to fit together and her mum will play along.
I can't put Penny through that, Ian." I replied fiddling through the scrapbook as I sat on the bed.

"Penny sure as hell, has the perfect boyfriend. she deserves soemone like you, you guys are the best couple I've ever met." He spoke, making a smile crawl on my lips at the mention of us as couple. Cute.

"Okay then, I suggest you ask her. If she agrees that's totally okay and you guys come. If she doesn't it's okay. but don't pressure yourselves about it. It's not a big deal." he replies.

Ian may seem a literal mess, but he really cares for the people aorund him, which makes everyone like him.

"okay, I'll check and tell you. see you soon." I replied, that was cringy, Ew. "Bye." He beames again through the phone before picking up. I grab my pen and scrapbook, lay on my stomach as I rest my elbows against the mattress.

My knees on the bed as my leg flies in the air. I start drawing on it, a though popped in my mind.

I grabbed my phone, scribbling through the pictures of me & Penny. Untill I found the one I was looking for, a picture of penny in the park that I took without her knowing.

She had Skylar on her lap, looking down at her as she rubbed her fur with a beautiful smile, the sun rays shining over her skin, making her Brown eyes more clear and her brown hair gives a golden shade along. it was perfect, she was perfect.

I started drawing with a smile while I hummed along. I can't wait to finish it and show it to Penny when she comes here. I hope she likes it.

One week later

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One week later

I & Penny slept in her bed peacefully, my arms wrapped around her tiny waist. her face buried into my chest as my chin rested on the top of her hair.

Ian called again and told me Emily wasn't coming and so her mum. I was glad with that, at least we would sit comfortably away from her.

Penny agreed to come and she was actually nervous to meet my father's family. I wasn't so close to them too, I'm only close with the boys.

I also saw a hint of Jealousy in Penny's eyes and the way she talked. As if she wanted to go in there, and proudly tell Emily I'm her boyfriend face to face, I liked it though.
She is jealous. Was all I could think about.

"Dinner's ready!" Adora shouted from downstairs. "Coming!" I replied back.
Penny was still asleep.

"baby," I murmured against her cheek. she hummed unconsciously, small frown coating her face. "Let's go for dinner," I explained, she frowned some more. "No, I wanna sleep." she replied, annoyed in a cute way.

"Okay, just eat and sleep again. You haven't eaten since breakfast Tiger," I murmured kissing her temple.

"I will, if you carry me?" she looked up at me like a sleepy polar bear, a cute pout on her face. "I absolutely don't mind." I chuckled lowly, pecking her pouty lips.

she smiled wrapping her arms around my neck, her head buried into the crook of my neck as she tried to get comfortable. I got up with her in my arms as we walked downstairs.

I placed her on the couch as she rubbed her eyes with the long sleeve hoodie she's wearing, obviously mine.

"I'll be back," I said before going to the kitchen. I asked Adora for Penny's plate, she smiled handing it to me as I grabbed a fork and went over to Penny.

I crouched next to her on the couch. I dug the fork into the food before I blew on it since it was hot, I fed Penny as she smiled Lazily.

"You're the cutest boy I've ever met, no one has ever treated me like that," she spoke with a giggle, her eyes half closed. Sleeping had an affect on Penny like the affect of Vodka on a light head person.

It made her do weird yet those cute stuff. And I like that a lot, I love to wake her up myself to see this lazy smile and cute baby sleeping.

I fed her as we shared the same plate. Right after that, we got back to sleep. I was actually sleepy since I haven't slept in two days. I never sleep deeply unless. I'm with Penny.

It had been only two days sleeping without her in my house and I was going crazy for the lack of sleep. I laid my head on her chest, my face buried into the crook of her neck.

Her right hand placed at the nape of my hair as she played with it, making my eyes close. her other hand was wrapped around my arm as her forehand rested on my back.
making me fall into deep, needed sleep. So needed though.

I hope tomorrow goes well, Penny should be comfortable, that what always comes first for me.

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