T h i r t y - e i g h t ~ knee getures

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I sat on the couch eating cereals while I texted Penny, she was complaining about the assignment she has tomorrow in Biology and she has to sleep late and go now so she could finish.

Fuck texting I wanna hear her voice. I pressed the call number and she picked up. "I want you to come study for me," she whined, obviously joking. "I would." I smiled jokingly. "Yeah I wish, anyways I have to go. Good night Luky." she teased, knowing I somehow don't like that name, I don't like it whenever anyone but her calls me with.

"Good night Cupcake." I smiled picking up. I sit resting my head back against the couch as I stare at the ceiling. What if I could go to her? I'm crazy enough to do so, she made me crazy enough to do.

I looked down at my phone to check the time, it's eleven pm, Adora & Alex are probably sleeping since they're going to New York tomorrow. They just came back here to check on Penny and see how everything's going on.

Penny told me how much they kept apologizing for leaving her here alone most of the time. she told them it was totally okay since she was at my place most of the time. I don't like to let her sleep in the house alone incase anything happens.

Also a good point, they both trust and they know my mum is taking good care of Penny.

I can go they won't mind, I went upstairs and grabbed my books and put on a pair of black sweatpants and a black hoodie.

I walked to the counter and grabbed the keys before I went down the garage.


I sat staring frustratedly looking at the book, I've read the page for three times but my mind isn't able to register any single word. I suddenly heard a knock on the door, who could be here in the middle of the night?

"Yes?" I answered, trying to know who. "It's Luc," he replied, did he really come here? Without a second thought I opened the door for him. He stood with that goofy smile on his beautiful face, I giggled at how he looked. He totally lightened my mood up with such a smile.

"I came to rescue my beloved girlfriend, I'm her guardian." He spoke, making me giggle before I hugged him, my arms wrapping around his waist as I rested my head on his chest. "Biology it is?" He asked softly stroking my back, I nodded into his chest. "okay then, let's get to work." He spoke as I pulled back and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

Luc headed to the kitchen and started making coffee for us. I stood wrapping my arms around his waist from the back. "You know, I didn't actually mean it." I spoke softly with a smile coating my lips. he turned facing me again, cupping his face in my hands. "And here I am. I was actually finding any excuse to come and see you. I didn't want to sleep alone without you." He spoke, making me pout at how cute he is.

"You're too cute," I pouted squishing his cheek, causing his lips to form a pout before I peck them gently.

"You're even more cuter, silly." He teased kissing my cheek. The coffee machine signaled it was done. Luc poured for us and we got back up my room.

I sat next to him before he scooped me up, I squealed at the sudden gesture before he placed me on his lap. His arms wrapped around my stomach as he rested his chin on my shoulder to look at the book infront of us while I held my coffee. he slid his hand under my hoodie, drawing small circles on my stomach, it helps me relax and I like it to be honest. Skin to skin touch with Lucas.

I rested my head back on his shoulder as he grabbed the book with the other hand, holding it for me to see. I shared my coffee with him since his both hands were busy so I let him drink from mine.

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