T h i r t y - o n e ~ Panic Attack

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I laid in bed with lucas in my arms as he slept peacefully. I couldn't sleep honestly, I already had a nap in the middle of the day so it didn't help.
It was midnight for now.

I felt Luc squirm in my arms, making an uneasy noise. I looked down at him, a frown was formed on his face, his lips slightly apart.

"No, don't take her away from me, Please." he pleaded, it shattered my heart to see him afraid. I reached out running my hands through his hair to calm him as I coeed for him. he was having a nightmare.

He suddenly jolted up with a groan. "Penny!" He yelled in fear as he looked around hastily. His eyes were glossy, his body was sweating. he had the pure fear in his ocean eyes.

once he found me in sight, he wrapped his arms around me, so tight as if he was hiding in my arms. His head resting on my chest as I cooed for him.

"It's okay baby, It's just a nightmare. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. It's okay." I coeed running my hands through his hair. I looked down at him. his eyes were glossy as he looked at me, he was like a lost puppy.

"Oh god was it that bad?" I asked, placing my hand on the side of his face, he nodded hesistanly. "I dreamt you were gone," he spoke, his voice shaking , a small sob left his lips.

"I'm so sorry, I promise I won't go anywhere, I'd always be there for you Luc," I coeed kissing his hair as I ran my fingers through it. "Always?" he asked, his voice shaky. "Always, and Forever." I murmured kissing his forehead.

"I love you" he murmured against my chest. "I love you more." I replied tugging at him, trying tor reassure him that it's okay.

"Do you wanna drink something to sleep again?" I asked looking down at him as I pulled his hair gently out of his face.

he nodded in a no gesture "I just want to drink water and sleep in your arms all night." he mumbled, his head resting on my shoulder. "okay," I spoke kissing his forehead as he reached out for the glass of water and drank.

Then, he slept in my arms again, his hands wrapping around my waist, his head resting on my chest as he breathed in.

"thank you," he mumbled. "it's all good." I replied rubbing his shoulder.


I woke up to the sunlight shining through the room, a small light of it appearing from the curtains. I looked down at Lucas, he slept tiredly in my arms.

he must've had a really bad nightmare, Especially that he was almost crying yesterday. which isn't usual because Lucas rarely cries on anything but just the really worst things.


"Morning." I heard him mumble as I looked down at him. "Morning, did you sleep well ?" I asked softly. "Only after it when I slept in your arms." he replied back.

"good." I kissed his forehead. "okay, I'll go make breakfast." I spoke and before trying to get up, Lucas held tightly onto me.

"Can you wait for it? I wanna sleep in your arms for a few minutes." He asked, And I couldn't help but feel awe at him especially with the doe eyes he had.

"I will wait, with you." I replied, going back to him as I held him in my arms. his head buried in my neck. "sorry, I know I'm being clingy." He mumbled.

"No you're not, I like it." I smiled kissing his jaw. "really?" He asked innocently. "Yeah, for sure." I smiled down at him, he smiled shyly before burrying his face into my chest.

After a long while, I went to make breakfast. Lucas barely ate anything and so did I. I then had to go get some stuff from home and went to grocery.

After all, I went back to Luc's house. I got into his room, he wasn't there, nor in the living room. but I could see light inside the bathroom.

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