Chapter 3: First Look

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(The chapter where Muto gets his first real look at the setting of the game he is in hehe)

Muto tailed Gin and Mishima as the trio made their way to one of the hallways. Mishima would stop in front of a vending machine and take a peek at its contents.

"Oh dearie me, they seem to sell cigars here," he remarked.

"Hehe, why don't you have one Professor? You seem tempted," suggested Muto.

"Nonsense. I have a reputation as a school teacher to uphold. I can't simply go around and smoke cigars!" he exclaimed as he reluctantly forced himself to move away from the smoker's area.

"Yeah, Mom said smoking is bad for you, woof!" added Gin.

They would then enter what seemed to be a bar of some sort. The room wasn't wide but it was long. A long rectangular table took center stage in the room with many stools surrounding it, presumably for people to sit and drink. In the left-hand side of the room's entrance, another stand was filled with bottles upon bottles of what was labelled alcohol. A billboard could also be seen hanging close to it.

"Oh dearie me! So much alcohol! It would be a shame if children were to come here and accidentally consume something they shouldn't!" Professor Mishima proclaimed.

"Woof! So much alcohol even I feel a bit drowsy by thinking about it, meow!" Gin commented.

"Now now young man. Whatever you do, don't go drinking that alcohol, it is bad for you after all!"

"I'm not an idiot, meow. I know that I'm too young anyway, woof!"

"Stupendous! You've been taught well! It would be a shame if your brain would be laid to waste by consuming unholy amounts of these sorts of beverages!"

"Haha, yeah. Instead, why not consume a large amount of energy drinks?" suggested Muto. Muto loved energy drinks and he would drink it in huge amounts at times. It might not be as bad as alcohol but it still causes him some physical issues every now and then. 

"Energy drinks?! Surely you do not consume that much of it?" asked Mishima in disbelief.

"Huh? Well, yeah I do. I think it's really good and well, you're not as drunk as alcohol." 

"But you are harming your own body by doing that, no?" 

"Look man, I've been fed up with all the difficulties in life, from my sister's death to the crazy amount of bills and stuff, can't a man take a break?" asked Muto.

"Oh dear, that doesn't sound good. I'm really sorry about your loss..."

"No worries. Anyway, enough about me, should we search this place then?" Muto asked.

"Indeed we should! Search every nook and cranny and leave no stone unturned as they say!" commanded the Professor.

"Woof! I'm really good at sniffing out clues!" revealed Gin.

"Is that so? Then great! Sniff out anything you can see! And you young man, go and search the other corner, will you?" commanded Mishima.

"Huh? Oh okay," replied Muto.

"Great! And shout if you find anything interesting, got it?"

Gin and Muto both nodded.

"Great! Now chop chop get to work." he ushered as the three began looking the place over. It wasn't long until Mishima called everyone to a specific part of the room. There, a billboard with the names of several people could be seen. There, on the blackboard, there were a bunch of names split into two sections, (Can Drink and Can't Drink).

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