Chapter 22: Dope Hope?

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(Three hours remain till the start of the second Main Game... Will Muto make it with favorable odds...?)

It's been almost ten minutes and Muto still didn't know how to use his Sage card. He clicked on its icon a hundred times, he tried looking for possible clues around the room and even other apps on the tablet but to no avail. Frustrated, he knew he had to leave the sanctuary of his room and head over to Gashu or Safalin, depending on who has less people, to have one of them explain how this card thing worked. He sighed and forced himself to stand from the bed. He then hopped his way to the door and opened it. He peeked into the lobby. Luckily, there wasn't anyone there. He took a deep breath and hopped his way on his one crutch. The other one had cracked and he was left hopping on leg, dragging a 'dead' leg behind him and only using one crutch. He looked like an idiot but he simply couldn't help it. He hopped his way to the monitor room as he assumed Gashu might still be in the Prize Exchange. In the Monitor Room, he stopped suddenly as he saw Reko standing there, just staring at the monitors. He pondered if he should still go to the Prize Exchange so he decided against it. Reko and him still had some beef and plus, she might overhear that he was a Sage and use it against him if crap hit the fan. He sighed silently and hopped out of the room. He heard Reko call for him but he quickened his pace as he didn't want to face her in this sort of state, especially if she planned on beating him up or whatever. He quickly hopped across the lobby and entered the Medical Office. Inside, he saw Safalin, predictably, all by herself, as she was organizing miscellaneous stuff inside the First Aid Kit. As soon as she saw Muto enter, she stopped.

"Oh, hi there." she greeted. "Can I help you??"

"You can actually." Muto replied while closing and locking the Medical Office door. 

"Um... What are you doing?" she asked, confused.

"Make sure no one's listening." Muto said as he hopped over next to Safalin. "Anyway, do you, by any chance, happen to know how these role cards work?"

"Well, I guess I do, but not as good as Gashu though..." she responded.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Anyway, I've gotten this Sage card and if I remember correctly, it's supposed to show you who the Keymaster is. How the hell do I see that? I've been clicking that button for ages but ain't nothing happening." Muto explained.

"Oh. Well, you're not supposed to click on the button. You're supposed to 'divine' your results." Safalin explained.

"And what the hell you mean by that?" 

"Well, you're supposed to lay your hand onto the screen and 'divine' or concentrate hardly to see who the Keymaster is." she explained.

Muto sat on the couch, balanced the tablet on his lap and did as he was told. After half a minute of nothing, a vision began to form in his head. He concentrated some more and saw an icon. It was similar to one of those at the prize exchange room. After working it out, he figured it was... Sara? Yeah, it seemed like it.

"Sara again? Man, you can't be fucking serious! This girl has rigged this God-damn game I tell you." Muto whispered-shouted. 

"So? Did it work?" Safalin asked him.

"Yeah it did. Thanks girl." he thanked as he walked - no, limped- out the office. 

Everyone was minding their own damn business in who-knows-where. What Muto didn't know was that almost everyone had banded and had their own intentions and ideas and him and Reko were probably the only ones not really doing anything productive but he doesn't know that yet hehe. Anyway, enough of the narrator talk, let's get back to the story...

He decided to hang out in the lobby for a bit. He assumed that an hour won't really go by without anything happening so he waited accordingly. A second trade also would occur although with some more careful divination, Sara was still the Keymaster. After a bit of moping around, he finally heard a conversation being started from behind him.

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