Quickie Recaps

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(Just a quick summary of everyone and everything that happened in the first 12 chapters...)

Muto POV summary:

It all began when I was coming home from a bar. I was in trouble with several people at the time and I was even discussed for potential jail time. However, I was knocked out by some kidnappers. I woke up in an unfamiliar room. In a weird room and with collars put on me, I was forced to run to save my life. That was... the First Trial. Waiting for me after I got through the trail were 11 people of varying age, gender, and occupation. Still not knowing what was what, we all cooperated to escape this place, and evaded traps trying to take our lives. But... Due to an unfair move from the suddenly-appearing Floor Master - Sue Miley, the Laughing Doll... Professor Kazumi Mishima... died. We also met up with a murderer who had been hiding, Alice Yabusame. And began a vote with our lives at stake... The Main Game. Two cards decided our fates... The Sage, and the Sacrifice. The ones who had them were... Kai Satou, the guy who held some sort of key to the Death Game, and some random fella named Joe. And so Joe was killed by having his blood drained while Kai committed suicide. In both votes, I was getting suspected too. This might be problematic...

 Formal character summaries:

(Note: Some of these stuff, were not revealed to Muto rather to Sara but she technically is the protagonist so yeah...)

Sou Hiyori

A self-described job-hopper. He was a timid-looking man who spoke with a smile... Though unbelievably weak for an adult man and seeming as if he disliked conflict, everything about him gives off a 'darkness.' He was very shocked to be attacked by Nao and have the laptop clue stolen from him. In the Main Game, Sou lost trust and transformed, seemingly filled with malice and madness. The sight struck fear and hatred into the survivors.

Keiji Shinogi

A suspicious man calling himself a policeman. Acts casual, but feels somehow shady. He often seems to be guiding others into giving Sara their trust. Confessed that he once shot a person, and hasn't been able to fire a gun since. He promised Sara he'd tell her his past if they survived the Main Game, but who knows...

Kanna Kizuchi

A middle school girl. Lost her older sister in the First Trial. Filled with self-loathing after losing her sister, Sara and Mishima told her a kind lie. But Miley's 'sister-killer' remark meant it only wounded her more. In the Main Game, Kanna notably made statements implying she was working with Sou. What might have transpired between the two of them... is unknown.

Kazumi Mishima

A high school teacher who looks extremely suspicious, but is really a man of noble character. Deeply trusting of his former student Nao, together, they conquered the First Trial. But not taking any chances regarding his student, he gathered votes for himself in the practice round, and thus lost his life. This threw Nao's heart into disarray, making her lose control, stuff Mishima's head in a box, and flee.

Nao Egokoro

An art student in college. Respects her high school teacher, Professor Mishima. Has a deep relationship of trust with Mishima, and beat the First Trial by cooperating with him. After losing Mishima in the so-called practice vote, Nao ran amok, stuffing his head in a box and fleeing. Threatened by Kai, she attacked Sou to get Kai the laptop, but because Mishima's head disappeared, she realized Kai betrayed her.

The Laughing Doll, Sue Miley

A woman with the kidnappers. When her scattered doll body was assembled, the room suddenly went white, and she began to move. Calling herself the Floor Master, she explains the Main Game and distributes necessary tools for the Death Game. With malicious words and actions, she puzzles the participants and takes their lives, and destroyed the hearts of Kanna and Sara. Kai and Q-taro's resistance has made her bleed, and she's often *vexed (chagrined)*. ...Is she really a 'doll'?

Muto Yoshida

A suspicious young man. Not much is known about his occupation or past. All he's willing to share was that he was an investor of some sort. Was kidnapped and brought into the Killing Game. He beat the First Trial and was forced to leave another man to die in order to win and survive. Didn't impact the game too much. Gained a bit of suspicion and votes but managed to survive all what was thrown his way. 

Jou Tazuna

Protagonist Sara's classmate. A cheerful and agreeable best friend. He clumsily tried to assist Sara after learning of her stalker. Sara's lone acquaintance in the Death Game. His fate was sealed by drawing the Sacrifice card. At the end of the Main Game, he left the remark 'all of you must be good people,' then perished.

Sara Chidouin

Protagonist of the story, kind of. A normal high school girl attending Sonobeno High School. Coming home from school, she encounters her stalker. When she hurries home, she finds her mother collapsed. She comes to in an unknown room. Enduring various death games with 12 participants, Sara wins their trust. But in the Main Game, she loses her best friend Joe. With the deaths of high school teacher Mishima and homemaker Kai, there remain 10 survivors...

Reko Yabusame

A singer-songwriter starting to get enough attention to appear in magazines. A flashy band player worried for her dear bongos. Kind to the weak, and often harsh on men. In the Main Game, revealed Alice was her brother. Ever since Alice committed murder, the two became effective strangers.

Gin Ibushi

A somewhat cheeky grade-school boy who ends his sentences with 'woof' and 'meow.' Acted tough through the harsh Death Games, but was wracked with fear upon being trapped in a cage. The paper Gin found in the shredder revealed the truth that Alice Yabusame was a murderer.

Q-taro Burgerberg

According to him, a baseball player on the verge of a comeback. Despite his giant, gaudy appearance, he's very wary. Apparently he was raised in an odd orphanage, so his dialect is all over the place. Found his resolve faster than anyone in the Main Game, showing a willingness to doubt others to survive. Unable to fully believe Kai's parting confession of having contact with the kidnappers, he's showing signs of looking into the truth.

Kai Satou

A self-proclaimed homemaker. ...But also, an extremely skilled fighter. In spite of the aloof impression he gave, Sara remembered that Kai was the stalker who came after her that day. Threatened Nao and took the laptop from Sou, and it's suspected he hid the Mishima head Nao was protecting somewhere. Confessed to having contact with the kidnappers in the Main Game, but shows clear hostility toward the kidnapper Miley. Sou revealed emails indicating ties to the Chidouins (Sara's family) and an affection for Sara. But killed as a victim, can the truth about Kai be known...?

Alice Yabusame

A murderer who lied that he was a thief named Gonbee Yamada. While the other survivors endured traps, he locked himself alone in the Red Room, hiding there until Sara found him. In the Main Game, he confessed to being Alice Yabusame, a murderer, and Reko's older brother. Furthermore, after the Main Game, Alice discussed something with Keiji. 'The name of the person I killed was Sou Hiyori'...

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