Chapter 31: Secret Stash Rooms

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(Chapter where more shizzle pops off...)

Upon the entering of the next section, Muto saw what seemed to be a common ordinary office workplace. The room was littered with desks with computers on them, presumably for common office workers to waste their lives away by working on it to some most likely ungrateful boss. Only one of the PC screens was turned on as the rest were not functional. There was also a whiteboard that was blank and some shelves with files on it. There wasn't much else of note in the room. 

"Oogh...?!" Hayasaka flinched, most likely recognizing the space.

"What? Guessin' Hayasaka's the one finding it familiar this time?" questioned Kurumada.

After looking around the room, the group eventually stumbled across the open desktop.

"T-This desktop...! Maybe there's... some sort of information..." stuttered Hayasaka.

On the screen an image of a girl was displayed. She looked familiar... Wait, was it Sara? It seemed like it. The screen essentially showed an entire database of her. All her information and attributes were displayed on the screen, from height to weight to school and many other numbers and information.

"I-Isn't this a picture of me?!" questioned Sara.

"T-That's...!" Hayasaka tried to refute.

"What the...? There's height, there's weight... And some other numbers I don't get..." said Reko.

"It's almost like a physical exam...!" Kanna exclaimed.

"Um...! Can we stop looking at that for now?!" Sara asked, embarrassed.

Hayasaka looked hesitant. Obviously this room must have triggered some memories.

"Hayasaka! What's the meaning of this?!" Sara demanded.

"H-Hold on! I didn't do research this because I wanted to...!" he defended himself.

"Is this your computer?! What's your aim, you damn pervert?!" confronted Reko.

"A-Ah, shoot...! I-I'll confess... The company I work for deals in medical machinery and information, and... Because of that job... I got to know a man from Asu-Naro. On the surface, Asu-Naro is an upstanding company that does clean research... But I learned that it has another face." the office worker explained.

"Another face...?" Sara questioned.

"They're connected to shady businesses and produce illegal medicines... Things of that nature... I've heard rumor that among those were drugs and euthanizing medicines... I also heard about... inhumane research that wasn't spoken of... Thinking about it now, that was probably research into reproducing humans..." Hayasaka spoke.

"Damn really? I don't recall hearing any of that when I went to meet the legend, Sou Hiyori himself..." Muto said.

"Ah, that was some leaked information. Of course they weren't to reveal it to you..." Hayasaka told him.

"And so you gave them my information...?!" Sara asked him.

"...Not... just yours. I was told... to get information on everyone...!" 

"Bastard!! Don't tell me that covers us too?!" Kurumada asked angrily.

"I didn't know...! I had no idea what they'd do to me if I resisted! Their power is immense... It's hardly even an exaggeration to say they control the dark side of society..." Hayasaka tried to defend himself.

"Shaddup...! What'd you use this data for?! Depending on your answer, I may just have to kick your ass right here!!" Kurumada threatened him.

"Yeah. As a matter of fact, I should've whooped your ass back when I first saw you a couple weeks back!" Muto claimed.

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