Chapter 35: Coughin' Coffins

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(I know it's only one damn chapter but I realize it has been more than a month since I last updated so apologies in advance. Don't worry, more chapters are coming out soon but take this for now hehe. Just a couple more left till... well, we'll see what I'll do for the second half of chapter 3...)

After a bit of resistance, the coffin finally went silent as Keiji likely came to grips with his fate. It was a bit surprising for sure to see someone normally so calm and mature to absolutely freak out. Muto suspected that Keiji had some pent-up emotions and trauma inside him but he did not expect for everything to just pour out so suddenly. Anyway, the mood was heavy inside the cemetery as no one quite knew what to do. 

"Sheesh, so you finally settled down. He must be awfully scared of his execution... Haha." smirked Midori.

"Let Keiji out of that coffin...!!" Sara demanded from Midori.

"I told you... There's only one way to save him. Just sign this... and I'll tell you." Midori said.

Upon looking at the consent form, Muto saw that whatever text was on the form was blacked out by some weird marker of sorts? It sure seemed like it.

"Hold on...! I don't... I don't even know what this says!" complained Sara.

"No time to worry about that, surely? The coffin's execution timer is already ticking down. By the time all this sand has fallen... He'll be getting torched. You'll be smelling a delicious Keiji steak!" Midori tried to rush Sara into decision-making.

"St... Stop it!!" begged Sara.

"Ahh, I can't wait... It's my first time using this fancy new coffin. I wonder just how he'll die...?" Midori teased.

"I won't let you execute him!! You... you can't..." Sara tried to remain determined.

"Hahaha... Then let me hear your answer. What will you do, hmm?" Midori questioned.

Sara hesitated as she went through a mental conflict of deciding what to do. In the end though, Sara decided to go for the form...


"I won't let you..." 


Muto took a second to process what just happened. Ranmaru had swooped in from nowhere and ripped up the consent form on the spot!

"Y... You tore it up?! Ranmaru!!" Reko exclaimed.

"I mean, is it really a surprise? Them suckas are all traitors anyways..." Muto said.

"M... Mr. Policeman..." cried Gin.


"Please, explain yourself! This is... just cruel...!! Do you not even care about saving Keiji?!" Kanna asked Ranmaru.

"Maybe so... If you killed Midori now, we Dummies would die, objective incomplete... But then Keiji went and picked a fight knowing that full well, didn't he?" Hinako reasoned.

"Yeah... He's gettin' his just deserts! Reckless dumbass...!" exclaimed Kurumada.

"So you want him to sit there and get executed?!" Reko asked.

"Man, these fuckers only care about themselves. What more do you expect from piece of plastic and wires without empathy?" Muto asked.

"UGH... There's... no way we can cooperate now..." Anzu groaned.

The air is chilly... The two groups have been torn apart... too far apart to walk back to a compromise. Hostility was dominating the air currently.

"...Don't fall into their hands, Sara." Ranmaru told Sara.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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