Chapter 23: Exit Exists?!

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(An actual exit exists...?)

Sou emerged suddenly from the Monitor Room. He was followed by Sara and Gin.

"All right, everybody. Let's head for the exit!" Sou announced cheerfully. Muto never saw him so... genuinely upbeat. 

"Hold up...!! I wanna hear the details!" Reko complained.

"I'll explain later... There's no time now." Sou urged.

"Everyone...! Let's trust Sou!" Kanna convinced.

"Whoever wants to escape, come to the stairs. ...If you wanna stay, I won't stop you." Sou said as he made his way to the room with the long creepy staircase. 

"Tch...! Fine, I'll come with!" Reko gave in.

Everyone followed suit and went after Sou. Muto got up from the couch and hopped after everybody. He noticed that it was kinda suspicious that Gashu and Safalin were nowhere to be seen. Was an escape really possible in these circumstances? Not to mention he still had a collar round his neck which the kidnappers could kill him with even if they left the 'building' premises. 

"Haha... So you all came." declared Sou after everyone had assembled.

"Is there a way to escape over here...?" Sara questioned.

"If you doubt me, check whatever looks suspicious!" Sou told her. 

Sara checked the premises of the area. As soon as she touched that weird vending machine at the top though, the machine suddenly moved out of the way, revealing a secret pathway behind it!

"You got it, miss Sara. As far as I can see from the map data... The exit is straight ahead from here. The only doors keeping us from it are this vending machine, and the last exit door. And both of those use the exact same security." informed Sou.

"So then...!" Nao said.

"There's no reason it shouldn't open..." Sou completed.

"Let's go! Before the Floor Masters interfere...!" urged Kanna.

Muto was extremely doubtful there was actually a way out of here, especially with so little resistance. If the defense systems did indeed shut down, wouldn't the kidnappers go in a panic and try to stop them all from getting the heck out of there? There was of course, a glimmer of hope that maybe an exit might actually be accessed but Muto didn't really believe it. If anything, the kidnappers was most likely toying with them or something. Like give them all hope before crushing mercilessly for their own damn amusement. It was really likely. Muto still hopped after everyone though cuz he didn't want to get left behind anyway. 

As soon as they entered the pathway, Muto could see what appeared to be an endless flight of stairs. Going up one flight of stairs to get to the vending machine was hard enough but this looked to be an extremely exhausting process. It was dark but there was the occasional light bulb here and there which provided minimal lighting, but still enough to see where they were going.

"Stay close to me, everybody." Sou said. Muto was already lagging behind the entire group due to how long it took for him to hop on each stair with a paralyzed leg. It was too exhausting and everyone were gaining some leeway ahead of him so he decided to call for help.

"Ayo, Burger guy... What was your name again?" Muto yelled out.

"It's Q-taro Burgerburg to you!" replied Q-taro.

"Yeah, Q-taro. Do you mind carrying me? Ain't no way I'm keeping up with y'all at this pace." Muto said as he pointed at his leg.

"Ugh... Can't Keiji do it?" Q-taro pleaded.

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