Chapter 34: Royales Rumbleness

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(I know the title doesn't grammatically make any sense but hey, it is what it is hehe...)

Keiji and Midori stared each other down. Keiji removed himself from the vicinity of one of the coffins and was now in open space facing Midori. Ranmaru had slinked off with the other Dummies who stood in one corner of the room. The rest of the participants, alongside Muto, all stood in another corner, watching whatever was ensuing. Except Q-taro of course. He was stabbed in the corner and was just leaning on one of the coffins not too far off from Midori's position. 

"How nice hatred is... It lets me satisfy a person 100%..." Midori said.

"Now you die, Midori...!!" exclaimed Keiji.

"Ahaha! Let us play, on the greatest of stages!!" Midori declared.

All of a sudden, the normally dark graveyard finally got exposed to light. Obviously there was light emitting from the coffins themselves but the walls and roof of the place remained dim until now and Muto could now see why. The walls were extremely weird. The walls were not natural walls. The walls were literally made from bodies and heads of what appeared to be dummies that were faulted. The bodies were visibly worn out and some had wires and emptiness poking through them. Muto had quite no idea how it was holding the roof up but that wouldn't be the weirdest thing he saw in this demented place. 

"W-What is this...?!" Ranmaru asked in disbelief.

"A graveyard for broken dolls...!!" Midori declared.


Keiji and Midori stared each other down. Unlike the wild west, there was no music or no patches of hay rolling around. Keiji did have a gun though, although Muto was not quite certain if he could even fire that thing. 

"Calm down, Keiji!! Let's work together to corner him!!" Reko exclaimed.


The two stared each other down. Although Muto was a little stagnant, it appeared that the humans already had thoughts of their own.

"Keiji! Kanna will block his escape! Please, tag Midori!!" Kanna exclaimed as she tried to get herself into a position to flank Midori. Obviously, she was just a little girl so there was no way for her to realistically use her physical prowess to help Keiji but she'd at least try. The girl did attempt it but Midori simply weaved around her as he was just too damn quick for her. Realistically, only Muto could really keep up with Midori, being the only one quicker and nimbler than him. However, Muto was a little hesitant to apply Kanna's idea himself as the last time he attempted to catch Midori, he was assaulted by a book with sharp teeth (pause) which triggered a series of unfortunate events which resulted in him being unable to defend himself properly over Kamiko, resulting in the loss of two of his fingers as well as the potential loss of the eye, depending on how severe the cut was. Regardless though, Midori was a cheat and there was no way in hell for Muto to attempt it again unless heavily encouraged by the rest of the participants. 


Midori and Keiji were staring each other down.

"U-Um... Dummies, won't you assist...?" Kanna asked the Dummies for help. All of them looked upon the ensuing chaos with frowns on their face as they realized an unpleasant outcome might be of them as a consequence of this fight. Muto, of course, didn't know and frankly didn't care. 

"Hold on...! If Midori really dies from tag, what's gonna happen to us?!" Kurumada questioned.

"Huh?! W-Well...!" Kanna spluttered.

"Tch... You can say we're unified, but Keiji's seriously aiming to kill him..." tsked Kurumada.

"B-But... If we lose, Keiji will...!" Kanna couldn't bring herself to finish that sentence.

Your turn to die: A Somewhat Alternate versionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz