Chapter 33: The Dummies' Secret

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(What truly was the motive behind the Dummies? I guess we finna find out!)

Muto left the so-called Discussion with Kamiko following behind in quick succession. Muto was dazed. Just what was going on? The next bit of action though, happened extremely suddenly. Muto was just about to leave the room which housed the entry to the Discussion Room when he heard something behind him. It sounded like the drawing out of a metal. Muto felt chills run up his spine. He quickly turned around and that was when he saw Kamiko with a chef knife charging straight at him!! 


Muto was shocked; however, he literally barely had any time to react as Kamiko had already reached him as she wielded the knife in his direction. Muto however, still had good reflexes as he dodged out of the way of Kamiko's first swing. Her reflexes were good too, however, as she immediately swung the knife back, forcing Muto to stick out his right injured arm to intercept the knife blade. His wrist got cut a little on the edge of the blade but he managed to hold her back. Kamiko tried using her other arm to assist in her slashing of Muto but Muto read the play and intercepted her with his own left unused arm. The two locked guys as they strained themselves in an attempt to hold back the other person. Muto clutched his teeth hard at the seething pain he was feeling during the struggle, not from the wound on his wrist, but the wound on his arm. It was stinging like hell during the struggle as he was slowly losing the arm wrestle with Kamiko, seeing as his wound's pain was increasing every second. The pain was beginning to be extremely severe as Muto started screaming with the extreme pain of his arm muscles using too much force. Muto knew she was going to drive the knife into his chest if he didn't do anything, so he used his stronger left hand and directed it over to the right. The force of him pushing her right arm away was at the right time, as Muto couldn't handle any more pain and his right arm gave way. Luckily though, Muto's left arm had deflected the path of her knife-wielding arm, making her slash not his chest, but next to it. Unfortunately though, his hand was in the way of the resulting swing. She swung the knife with so much force that she cut his fourth and pinky finger clean off. As Kamiko stumbled to the ground due to swinging at air, Muto began hyperventilating as his brain couldn't just comprehend what had happened. He very shakily picked up his right arm to his face and looked at it. There, only three fingers and a hella lot of blood stared back at him. Muto felt... weird. It wasn't painful at all. He felt rather numb as the adrenaline in the body took over and destroyed his sensory glands temporarily. It felt like Muto was swimming as his ears was ringing. It felt like he was watching someone else's POV and not himself. There was no way that his fingers actually got sliced off... right? Right? Muto could see that his right hand was a mess. Two of his fingers were just straight up gone and the blood seeping in from the cut off openings were overflowing onto the rest of his hand as well as the ground. His hand was also filled with cuts and slashes, mostly on his palm and third finger. Seeing the blood flow on the ground, Muto removed his hand from his peripheral vision as he looked onto the ground. There, surrounded in a pool of blood and grime, was two chopped off bits of flesh that was once his fingers...


It was undoubtably was a shocking experience for Muto but he had no time to relax as he spotted Kamiko rise to her feet from the corner of his eye. He turned to face her as she came through swinging with her knife. He was too slow to block her arm in mid-air, but he did at least stop her from thrusting the knife into his torso. Muto should have logically lost the knife tussle that ensued but somehow, he had the strength to match up to her. It was the adrenaline that was giving Muto super strength and allow him to hoist the knife upwards. It would only last for so long though until Kamiko prevailed. Luckily, Muto had pushed the knife up high enough that it was past his chest. Unfortunately though, she ended up slashing his left eye. Muto screamed in pain as he jolted backwards. Luckily, it was only a slight scratch so he wasn't going to die or anything. Whether that eye would be blind forever or not is too soon of an assessment to make. Muto hit the wall with his back as he screamed from the stinging sensation of having his eye scratched. This woman was strong. Muto knew she had that kind of thing in her when he first saw her tackle that skeleton obstructor. Unfortunately, it seemed like she may as well hand him his final downfall unless he stopped her. But how? He was severely injured and any rash movement would come with a lot of pain. Kamiko had realized this as she picked up her knife and strided over victoriously to Muto. The room in front of the Discussion Room was a bloody mess. Blood was everywhere, on the walls and on the floor, and the pair was also coated in blood and grime, especially Muto. The spot of his chopped off fingers was still bleeding too, although not necessarily in an extremely fast and fatal rate. Muto began to pant as he used his left hand to hold his injured eye. He used his other eye to look at her, although his vision wasn't the best, due to the tears in his eyes that had now clouded his vision somewhat. 

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