Chapter 32: Attack of the deadly books

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(Oh, how suspenseful hehe. Will Muto die via the books...? I know you might think, of course not, but there's nothing guaranteeing Muto survivng till the end of the death game, you know... Just saying...)

Muto continued to be in pain as the group decided to discuss amongst themselves what the best course of action was to do. Apparently, this was another obstructor fight and Muto found himself caught up in the middle of it. The books certainly were not relenting though as more and more began to fly over their shelves. All the books, except the one which was latched to Muto's arm, began clacking their teeth together and flying like vultures all over the place, forcing the group to go each and every way to avoid being handpicked as the creatures' next victims. The library was extremely noisy for some reason. It sounded like a ruckus was going on from the shelves. The group searched for some noise and eventually, Reko found a smartphone with a loud alarm blaring off of it. The phone screen was not responsive though, so there was no way for the alarm to shut off. Reko then handed the smartphone to Kamiko who crushed the phone, stopping the noise completely. Despite that though, another alarm seemed to be ringing from elsewhere. 

After spending a bit of time just floating menacingly, the books chose its next victim, Hayasaka. 

"W... Why is it always me?!" he whined as he ducked out of the way of an onrushing book.

He then quickly hid in a bookshelf to escape danger. Some books still flew close to his vicinity but they didn't attack him though. 

The group then looked for the other source of noise and Kanna found an old-fashioned alarm clock making that blaring noise. Once again, Kamiko crushed the thing, ridding off annoying noises from the library.

"Ahh... Much better." Kamiko declared, free from the annoying noises. 

The chatter and discussion of what to do continued as the books kept flapping about aimlessly. Muto wasn't quite sure what they were doing. That one book was still latched to his arm and it was beginning to sting. He held back his tears of pain as he breathed heavily to attempt to comfort himself somewhat. Eventually, the books grew quiet though, as if expecting something. Muto was in too much pain to think properly, so he didn't catch on it. Luckily though, the ex-detective Keiji noticed the clue and instructed everyone to remain quiet. Unfortunately though, the group didn't catch on until it was too late... 


There was hardly any time to react, as the books flashed their teeth in hunger and knocked over the bookshelf Hayasaka was hiding in. He got out of that unharmed, however, he could not anticipate what occurred next as the books decided to swarm him. 

"Not good! Run...!!" Sara cried out.

Hayasaka tried his best to run away, but it was obvious that he was a not fit man. His lack of exercise has seemingly come back to bite him as the books outran him (or outflew him...) relatively easily and began chomping down on his body. 

"W... Wahhh!! Don't...!!" he cried out as the books began latching onto his body. "Dammit...!! Stay away from me!!"

He tried to push away the books, kick them off, but there was no stopping the hungry and angry predators from attacking. That one book remained latched onto Muto's arm of course. However, the other books behaved differently with Hayasaka. Instead of just biting and latching, the books here were far more aggressive as they bit into his body and tore entire chunks of his flesh out! Of course, he was a doll, so no blood and organs were involved in the process. His body was shown to reveal electronic parts underneath as it proved that these 'Dummies' really were not alive.

"Pant...! Pant...!! Gwah...! O-Ow...!! Stop ittt!! I'm... not food...!!" Hayasaka continued to cry out as everyone watched in shock. Despite having a doll body, it appeared that pain sensors were a thing as he continued screaming with every chunk bit off of his body.

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