Chapter 18: Chippy Chips

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(The final day for collecting all the clear chips is here. Can Muto make it...?)

Muto awoke from his slumber as any human does. Despite him sleeping a healthy amount of hours, he still felt exhausted. Perhaps his body was continually getting broke down thanks to all the days he spent in this accursed place. Muto sighed as he rose from his resting place. He counted up all his tokens and clear chips. He had 110 tokens from other people and he had 6 clear chips, needing four more to survive this sort of event. It seemed like he had to hustle but luckily, some attractions provide more than two clear chips so Muto would be able to survive this schizzle. He would also need to step up his token collecting game, cuz after all, nothing was guaranteed in his favor. As he stepped out of his room, he heard the noise of a commotion in the lobby. As Muto looked to see what was up, he saw the floormaster Safalin having an argument with the supposed murderer Alice.

"Hear me?! I absolutely will not eat bitter melon!!" Alice yelled.

"...Did you not state you wanted to eat stir-fry?" replied Safalin.

"I said fried RICE!!"

"...Sniffle... Isn't fried rice too heavy for breakfast...?"

"And bitter melon stir-fry is light?!"

Muto came closer to the pair.

"No one wants to taste such bitterness early in the morning... No one!!" complained Alice.

"But... many people drink coffee in the morning..." replied Safalin.


"Hey hey now, guys. What's going on here?" Muto asked as he approached them.

"Urgh... Muto Yoshida...! You've caught me at an unsightly time... Well? Will you eat this?" Alice offered Muto a bowl. Inside it was a greenish slush with green bits in it.

"Uh... What is that?" asked Muto.

"Bitter stir-fry rice..." replied Safalin.

"Huh... Looks disgusting. Is it free if charge?" Muto asked.

"Yes. After all, he must take good care of our participants..." said Safalin.

"Oh... Well, hey. It's free food so I ain't complaining!" said Muto enthusiastically.

"Are you serious?!" Alice asked with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Well, if you'll excuse me... I have to leave. You'll receive a penalty if you don't eat it all..." Safalin told them sincerely before leaving.

"Hey, wait...!! Crying Doll Tia Safalin!!" Alice called out.

"Huh... Well, mind if I dine with you?" asked Muto.

"Hmph... Very well then... I'll be your conversation partner. In exchange, you eat the green parts."

Muto tried to protest but Alice held his hand up and went to sit down in the armchairs in the lobby. Muto sighed and indulged with Alice.

"Hmph... To think bitter melon could be so tasty... Seems my taste buds have matured in the Death Game." Alice commented.

"Dear God... It tastes disgusting..." Muto whined as he forced the green bits of in the concoction down his gullet.

"Mwahaha. It appears that your body lacks the toxin dissolvation that my body owns with pride." smiled Alice.

Muto simply shook his head. After a few moments of silence, Muto decided to strike up a conversation.

"So... how has your relationship with your sister been since then...?" Muto asked him.

"Hmph... Nothing for you to worry about. The status quo is maintained! But observing her in these past days... While at first I thought she had changed... Her essence has not changed in the least... Reko is Reko. The same one I knew." replied Alice.

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