Chapter 4: Doll Bloodlust

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(Warning: First proper spoilers of the game is incoming! Be prepared hehe)

Mishima, Gin and Muto all made their way to the pink room located in the back hallway of the cafeteria. When they reached, almost everyone else had already assembled in the room. Luckily though, they didn't have to wait for long until the rest of the group had arrived on the scene. A tense atmosphere filled the room.

""Ell now... We're finally doing it." Keiji broke the ice.

"Hey, actually... Where have you been?" Joe asked Sou.

"Oh, just... found a hidden room." he replied.

"Sou...! You're okay!" exclaimed Sara.

"That's my line!... Good, so everyone's safe." stated Sou.

"My heart is beating fast... What could possibly happen...?" asked Mishima.

"I got the door open just in case." announced Reko.

"So our escape route's secured!" yelled Q-taro.

"That's good. You never know, shit might hit the fan..." commented Muto.

"Welp, onto the fateful moment... Let's roll." announced Keiji.

The policeman would then collect all the doll parts and would then expertly and swiftly attach them to that doll torso that sat alone along one of the walls of the room. He inserted the right arm into its empty socket, then the left arm, then the left leg, then the right leg and then, he finished it off by attaching the head on the torso. For almost a minute, nothing seemed to be happening. Not one dared to break the silence as everyone watched the situation unfold tensely. 

"...Wait. You smell somethin'?" spoke Q-taro.

"Huh?" asked Nao.

"Hey... Is it just me, or is the room going white?" pointed out Joe.

True to his word, a faint white mist begun to seep into the room, seemingly from the vent, as a bad smell began overtaking the room too.

"It's gas...!" exclaimed Keiji.

"P... Poison...?! Not good... we need to leave the room...!" Sou declared.

Unfortunately though, before you could say 'pea shooter', the room filled up completely with white fumes. Muto was engulfed in the white mist as he could barely see past his own hands. Thinking fast, he stretched out his hand and managed to touch the nearest wall to him as, after all, he was standing near the wall. The mist was heavy and Muto had to cover his nose and mouth with his shirt but breathing continued to get harder regardless. He tried to move along the wall in an attempt to escape to the hallway where the white smoke might be less prominent but luckily, the fumes began to dissolve away. Soon, the room came into view again and he saw all the other survivors in the room, still slightly shocked and somewhat relieved of the fact that they didn't suffocate. However, one new addition could be seen standing in the middle of the room. Who was that? It looked like a person, a female by the looks of things, and she was just standing there, smiling menacingly. The 'lady' was quite tall. She had long brown hair that was topped by a melted yellow crown atop her head. Her eyes had two different colors, with her left eye colored yellow and her right eye colored red. Her body looked weird. Her body and some part of her arms were coated in a brown oozy liquid which kind of looked like melted chocolate. You could also see the colors red and yellow in other parts of her body. She looked multicolored and she had a sadistic smile on her face.

"It's not poison gas, everyone, so please relax." spoke the lady. "Ahaha. Good day!"

"H... Huh?! Y... You're... the doll?" asked Joe.

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