Chapter 21: Sizzling Siblings

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(Ah, doesn't everyone love a good pun in the title? Well, I guess it's not really a pun but still...)

With time running out, Sara had to make a choice. Push the fake Reko and save Muto or not push her but kill Muto. In her heart of hearts, she knew what the 'right' choice was and she decided to push the fake, even if it would be extremely hard for her to do. She took a deep breath and raised her hands in front of her. She then went ahead and gave the fake a push. 

"Sara...!!" 'Reko' cried as she got closer to the hole. 

The fake's knees were apparently weak. She could barely move and her spirit was broken, almost like a real human being. Muto was genuinely impressed by how realistic this fake was. The emotions, the reactions, the fear in her eyes... it was so much like an actual human being and Muto would feel sad... if his life wasn't on the line of course, so he wasn't that much. Though not to the level of it being heartless of course. Sara braced herself and pushed the fake another time.  


And another time.

"Forgive me...!! Saraaa...!!"

The fake was now at the edge. Luckily, the kidnappers have provided a mechanical arm with a television set so the rest of the survivors could witness what was going on at the top. Why hadn't they provided this sooner Muto didn't know. The fake needed only one more push to fall to her demise. Sara braced herself and was about to go for it... but Nao beat her to the punch and pushed the fake Reko into the pit of spikes. 

"Pant...! Pant...!" she panted having pushed the fake to her doom.

"N... Nao..."

"Whew... phew... No more... You don't... have to shoulder any more, Sara...!" Nao reassured her.

Muto would have celebrated since the fact that they pushed her meant that his survival would be pretty much ensured. However, he started to feel a little weird. His entire left side was essentially numb at this point and he felt very nauseous. His stomach was in pain and breathing was a laborious task. His vision started to fade away little by little. His head was spinning, his ears were ringing and he was feeling really awful. It seemed like the poison was starting to take control of his body. The poison wasn't apparently lethal so he might probably only be losing consciousness... hopefully at least...

"Gin and Muto's restraints unlocked...!" Muto heard Sou faintly say.

It was then when Muto realized that the massive target had indeed been lowered to the ground with restraints unlocked. For a moment, Muto's feet made contact with the ground but it would not exceed a second as his left leg was unresponsive and he fell face-first on the ground. The sudden movement was enough to trigger something inside him forcing him to vomit violently all over the floor. At this point, his vision was extremely blurry and he could faintly hear the voices of everyone else. He could see the silhouettes of others gathering around and people yelling stuff as the last thing before falling unconscious...




"Hey Muto!" 

Muto stirred.


Muto suddenly awoke. Where was he? Oh, right, he was in the car. He must have fallen asleep due to the heat. He was sitting in the front passenger seat. He was in the good old Toyota car. The car wasn't in the greatest condition but it was a good servant for more than a decade so the car was precious to the Professor. Speaking of which, Muto was currently seated next to the Professor. The man known as Professor Fitz was currently driving the Toyota through the sunny semi-busy streets of Japan. The man was a dark-skinned guy with spiky black hair with a tint of silver in the shape of a lightning where he had dyed it. He also had a goatee which was half silver and half black. He also wore glasses and had bushy eyebrows. He wore a casual beige T-shirt and black pants. He was an old man but he was most certainly a healthy guy. The pair of them were on their way to meet up with Jim for a drink or two.

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