Chapter 10: Dark Reveals

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(Continuation of the preliminary round of the first Main Game...)

Quickie recap: In the last chapter, several events and controversies were revealed. Beanie guy Sou and Sara both claim to be the keymaster. Q-taro also threw blame upon several people. The likes of Gin, Kanna, Muto, Gonbee and Nao have all fallen under the light of suspicion, alas to varying degrees. Also, Gin seemed to have found a paper which apparently claimed that Sara was a murderer...

With everyone confused, Gin took out two pieces of torn paper which were put together and showed them to everyone. Four names could be seen on the list alongside a short description on the other paper. The two torn papers combined read:

13.5%      Sara Chidouin                             ...               Murderer

9.8%         Muto Yoshida                              ...               Baker

9.5%         Naomichi Kurumada               ...               HS Student

9.4%         Keiji Shinogi                                ...               HS Teacher

It was indeed an odd paper. Muto even saw his name on there for some weird reason. What was this all about...? All of a sudden, Sara looked like she got a bit of inspiration suddenly and took something out of her pocket. She then showed it to Gin. 

"What is it, meow?" asked Gin.

"Take a look at this. It's a piece of paper I picked up." she replied.

"My-my-myow?! This looks...!!"

"Just like the one you have, right? This is Gin's."

"Similar, woof! Totally the same, woof!"

Sara would then take the piece of torn up paper which she took out and would piece it together with one of the pieces of Gin's paper. 

"M-Meow...?! / They connected, woof!!" exclaimed Gin.

Indeed, whatever piece of paper Sara had fit perfectly with one of the other torn pieces of paper.

"There were at least two of these sheets stacked together." pointed out Sara.

"Is that it, woof...?!"

"Since they fit together so cleanly, of course misunderstandings would happen." said Sara.

"Yaaaaay! Thank goodness, meow!!" thanked Gin.

"But y'know... What are these sheets in the first place?" asked Joe.

A quick look at the new pieced together paper would then reveal a change in names but with the same occupations that looked more accurate than the one which had been pieced together before...

6.6%           Alice Yabusame                                 ...                Murderer

5.5%             Mai Tsurugi                                       ...                Baker

4.9%             Ranmaru Kegeyama                     ...                HS Student

4.1%            Kazumi Mishima                             ...                HS Teacher

"...They are creepy, aren't they." said Sou.

"The professor's name is on here, and even some people I don't know..." pointed out Nao.

"And whatever could the percentages on the side be...?" pondered Kai.

"What a mystery indeed..." commented Muto.

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