Chapter 9: Tantalizing Trials

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(This chapter is the first part of the first Main Game. Once again, spoilers for the actual game so beware. Other than that, a lot of stuff will be revealed and explained while asking new questions as well so here we goooo...)

Muto had exited the room he was in. In front of him were strange desks, about waist-height. It looked like a trial room of some sort. The room was very spacious. The weird desks were arranged in a circle of some sort. There was also a lone chair sitting in the corner. The roof was also noticeably higher than the previous area they were in.

"...Here we are." declared Keiji, trying to sound reassuring.

"...! You guys... That was fast..." pointed out Q-taro.

Almost everyone was pale, sad or emotionless. The atmosphere was quite heavy. Muto remained cool as a cucumber because, well, that's him...

"...Hmph. All of you, so pale..." said Gonbee.

No one responded.

"...Why... is this happening..."

A desperate game is beginning. Although no one wanted to kill anyone, they still were going to, although not willingly. People could be really dangerous in these kinds of situations. Especially if their life was on the line. This was a game of mental strength so it was hardly going to be easy. All Muto could hope to do was not be one of the 6 people who'll go that final vote or whatever.

"Eheehee... Ah, so you'll take part after all?" teased Miley as she popped up from another door.

"Miley...!! You...!!" yelled Q-taro.

"Ahaha... Please take a good look at those desks, everyone. A rather interesting setup, isn't it? Eheehee... They are reverse hourglasses. Most curious indeed. When these hourglasses have all reached the top, the discussion will end. You have 70 minutes until the preliminary vote. After that, you can discuss for 20 minutes before the final vote. Well then, shall the discussion begin?" Miley explained.

70 minutes... That was a lot of time. What would they even discuss...?

"Hold up!! Kanna... Kanna ain't here!!" pointed out Reko.

"Oh dear... So some would choose not to take part in something so enjoyable." commented Miley.

"H... Hold on!! Kanna... will definitely come!!" said Sara, trying to buy time. 

"Time is limited. That is what she chose, and that is the end of the matter. Miss Sara...You haven't made the wrong choice, have you?" asked Miley.

After making Sara question her choice, she turned to address everyone.

"Well then, let us start the Main Game! Everyone, stand at whichever desk you like!"

Everyone was urged to head for the desks.

"Now then, you seem to be prepared! Let the Main Game begin!" announced Miley.

"...Please... wait...U... Um... I'm also..." interrupted a soft voice.


"You are welcomed, Kanna Kizuchi. Regrets... can wait until after taking part. Eheehee..." laughed Miley.

The green-haired young girl with a bucket on her head didn't respond.

"Ahaha...! Let this wonderful, wonderful Main Game begin!" announced Miley at last.

It begins...


An extremely heavy air dominates the space. Muto has been in court before and it wasn't quite as tense as this situation. Maybe it's the knowledge that at least two actual human beings were going to kick the bucket at the end of the discussion.

Your turn to die: A Somewhat Alternate versionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن